Short history

Interdisciplinary station CIRKULACIJA 2

Cirkulacija 2 is an artists’ initiative based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The name originates from the hall that we are currently squatting – the heating station at former bicycle factory Rog. The name nicely points to the principles that we try to elaborate through our collective work: the principles of evolving our production through series of projects – and try to point out to the procesual nature of artists’ work. We are mainly working in technologic areas, which involves media approaches in art (radio, television, video,…robots, mechanisms, devices,…). And as a glue – the demand for intelligent social behavior. The main core of Cirkulacija 2 are:  Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner and Boštjan Leskovšek

simg_4854cirkulacija_dsc00151We defined the Cirkulacija 2 as interdisciplinary station allowing us to embrace all the variety of actions that we are able to perform – from the very individual authors’ works to the organization of festivals. We started with public events immediately after squatting – in the beginning of 2007. Since mid of 2009 we are registered as association (NGO), allowing us to apply for public funds and do relatively independent productions. So, another basic definition of Cirkulacija 2 is self-production. In ideal case we prefer to join into co-production relationships with other organizers when performing at public appearances as collective.

simg_5029This kind of thought is very close to the so-called tactical media principles – being in a kind of modular structure for quick restructuring – and also to the temporary principles (here is an ideologic link to Hakim Bey). While these ideas flourished as possibilities until some 10 to 15 years ago, now they seem to be forgotten – seemingly consumed by the inability for the pedestrian (the grassroot civic initiatives) to withstand the spreading of the so-called mainstream – also on the level of imposing the civic organizations from the part of international organizations (the EU, the local civic franchises).

simg_5016Here I would point out to some of the necessities. First is the protection of the micro social and ideologic environments. I prefer to use the word reservation to define the area that cannot be entered and consumed by the mainstream. This is somehow in opposition to the declaration of so-called open spaces. The second is the necessity to act in public. An alternative to the predominant organizational structures and other forms of human social behaviour is a public experiment. If art is still the field of creativity being alive then the most important aspect nowadays is the creativity in the field of creative human relations. The third is the notion of a collective as cybernetic structure – with the necessity to change through process.

simg_5069Predefinitions that form ideologic infrastructure should be kept to the bare minimum. Problems and practical rules of behaviour are added as we go along. Also: the expansionist principles should be contained, especially in the form of constructing an institution. One should keep a modular, non-specialist structure and prefer the privately owned property of individual artists to the collectively owned means of artistic production (the institution). Individuals should provide for their personal economies and the collective aspects should be collaborative and handled in the most transparent way. This should be seen as the practice of intelligent social behaviour. And maybe: there should be a clear definition of boundaries – of non-equality between the spaces – a kind of ideologic differentiation between the artists, gallerists / curators, artists’ places, galleries and other places – media included – to get out of the uniform consumer oriented world of service providers.

simg_4840The basic idea about Cirkulacija 2 was to satisfy our basic individual needs for a working space. But even a thought about it seemed almost impossible for individuals due to the scarcity of studios provided by the city officials. The only viable solution was to search for a space for a couple of compatible artists – to have a common workshop and public presentations – a kind of agile artists’ run production situation.

simg_4955In 2006 Stefan Doepner and Borut Savski made a first search on the many empty industrial spaces, owned at that time by the still fresh private enterpreneurs, some dismantled factories waiting to be sold, real estate companies and banks. There was either no reply or the answer was “we have other ideas”. From the side of city officials there was no reply, but it was clear that the idea of a collectively run space of artists is not in their agenda. In the last couple of years there were some studios built, but they were distributed very loosely among the artists close to city officials, or for younger artists – also for their living purposes.


simg_5016Three bigger centralized production spaces were open in the last two years, but they must fulfill the day-to-day public service of providing art, dance and music events for the niche citizens. There is another place in plan: the so-called Center for Intermedia at the the same Rog factory where Cirkulacija 2 is situated. It is very hard to think that it will not be built and organized in the centralized manner of providing specific services for the citizens.

rog310807-3To withstand such centralizing strategies, Cirkulacija 2 stresses the need for real artists’ run spaces, for multiple production centers with clear ideologic and aesthetic strategies. Also with lesser economic dependence from the local power structures – and also with less necessity to survive indefinitely. A kind of positive temporary situation. While the social amplifier lasts.

The artists’ run space should not be a copy of state cultural institution as is the case with the majority of cultural NGO’s coming from the 80’s and 90’s. I would point out also to the very long inertia that has always been the killer of almost any local initiative with original ideas. Usually the transplanted ideas from the West are grasped without much hesitation but they were always very shallow transplantations, so I got an idea that nothing is for real in Slovenia. It’s all on the surface, and behind the scenes there is still the power-play and marriages of the 19th century half-urbanized strong families with some new blood now and then. A game of chess. And this goes also for every cultural institution. There was some disturbances in the 80’s and 90’s but the things have since returned to the old normal. Instead of independent places with their own specific programs the city officials force the places to centralize as providers of space for any type of production.

simg_5159As Cirkulacija 2 we launched a number of so-called “consume” events: The taste of Cirkulacija 2, where we use the very basis of collective behaviour – the eating, basic consuming. There was a series of events entitled like: The Holy Lamb (we prepared a lamb and served it on the table with a video projection of Jesus related iconography), Netart – The hot potato, etc.

The group’s aim is to create a series of dynamically changing, yet progressive, collaborative situations – workshops, laboratory, presentations and discussions where ideas can (e)merge and experiences can be shared. In time of its activities (the synchronization; the compression), we try to generate a micro-community of a non-consume identity. This is the most important aspect and can be described as a socially active position. The non-consume imperative brings forth all the keywords of the moment: do-it-yourself, open source code, creative commons, etc. – all in their broadest sense (like: code = codex…).

simg_5181Recently a question was raised – is there a contemporary art scene in Slovenia. A scene as something monolithic and strong. It is strong and numerous, but it is not monolithic. But it provides enough of variety and points of self-reference not to repeat itself. There is a clear difference between generations of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, also with some of the flashbacks from artists nowadays to the still surviving participants of some past initiatives. However, no direct transplantations of the past are possible or needed. Maybe for ideologic use of rewriting of local art history or filling in the gaps.

Cirkulacija 2 as collective approach is not without predecessors in local or international space. We know them and as individuals have taken part in previous attempts of “social behaviour”. Now it is about continuing – not repeating – and also about not making the same mistakes. It is not about changing the world or hiding away from it – for instance: we want to be connected to public electricity network and not to have to run the expensive electrical generator. It is about adapting a small portion of world – creating an intellectually agile and dynamic human structure that can act as specific social amplifier – if it can and while it can – in the place that we live in.

Past actions:


Cirkulacija 2 was established in early 2007 in a squatted place in former
Rog bicycle factory in Ljubljana as a direct result of Intermediate Spaces
festival in Graz (part of Steirischer Herbst festival) and Ljubljana
(Kapelica gallery) organized and produced by Trivia Art Association and ESC gallery in the fall of 2006.

In 2007 we started regular monthly events in Cirkulacija 2 place at Rog

In that same year participation at Parallel Worlds events (Paralelni svetovi by Neven Korda – ZANK) in Metelkova City – project entitled Holy Lamb.

In the 2008 regular events at Cirkulacija 2 place in Rog on almost weekly

Special appearances:
– in June 2008: collaboration with sculptor Tomaž Kolarič and the
participants from the Music Academy playing the horns made by Tomaž. A
boat travel on the Ljubljanica river from Špica to the dam at Rog factory with the hornists playing.
– in July 2008: workshops at Sajeta festival of new music.
– August 2008: appearance at Koperground festival in Koper
– September 2008: event in Alkatraz gallery at Metelkova City – part of
Parallel Worlds by Neven Korda – ZANK.


In year 2009 a series of events entitled Prototype 11 were performed –
produced by Trivia Art Association. Prototype 11 series of events introduce the topics of self-organization, self-production, anti-hierarchical social structuring, principles of re-invention, international collaboration and deepening of networking, affirming the broader understanding of “open-source-code”, “do-it-yourself”, “creative-commons” principles and looking into term “techno-progressivism” – as opposed to technofobia and technofilia stands.

img_00191Events in 2009:
– participation at XL experiment (7th May 2009) at Kapelica gallery Ljubljana. XL experiment was a series of experimental events produced by independent local radio station Radio Student for it’s 40th birthday.
– a 5 days’ technology workshops and artistic production at Sajeta festival of contemporary music (Tolmin / Slovenia) – 27th July to 1st
August 2009. An experimental sound concert with renowned Slovene ethnic singer Bogdana Herman as vocalist.
– a 7 days’ technologic workshops and artistic production during Netart Community Convention 2009 at MedienKunstLabor in KunstHaus Graz (Austria), 24th – 29th November 2009.

In the following four years’ period – from 2010 to 2013 – we were running a series entitled Total Art Platform  – with so-called platform events performed all over Slovenia and in the vicinity. Many artists participated at these unique events.

More at

2010: Concourse=Discourse

2011: Cirkulacija 2 + MFRU

2012: Noise as metaphor | Zagreb

2013: Organism of Sound – Sound of Organism

In mid 2013 we started renting a large space at Tobačna Ljubljana former tobacco factory.

From 2014 to 2015 – based on all the past experiences – we organized two mini-festivals entitled “The noise is us” – subtitled “SpaceTime” (2014) and “Cultural Interfaces” (2015).

More at

From 2016 to 2019 we were in the conceptual slot entitled “Decadence of time” – with about 30 public events each year.

More at

Cirkulacija 2: Program 2017

Cirkulacija 2: Program 2018

Program 2019

In mid 2020 we moved to the third place: Podhod Ajdovščina Ljubljana in the very center of the city – 4m below.

From 2020 to 2023 we are in the conceptual topic entitled “World Improvement Machine” – with over 30 public events each year.

Program 2020

Program 2021

Program 2022

enter the home location

Borut Savski

Events so-far:

2024 [ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN + [v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN + O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik + Daniel Leber – PSYCHO SOMA + Vida Vojić :: DRUGAČEN GROOVE JE MOŽEN! [s kolegi poeti…] + [vnebovzetje] Umetnost je poletna pisarna + WILHELM GROENER: 33 SKIZZEN_Cirkulacije 2 + Radart #15: Raz(n)čaranje + avObrat: praznovanje mednarodnega dneva glaaazvoka + SUMISH IN ATSUKO PLEŠETA … + MILOST + Benefit za Boštjana Leskovška – pionirja umetnosti zvoka in poezije po pošti + [multimedijska postavitev] Urška Savič: Teritoriji vračanja + OTS(Organsko Tehnološki Skupek) avtorjev: Mirica Ačko, Liza Šimenc in Q700-UPM + ℕiaℕsa in FriFormaAV: Ka Baird (ZDA)+ OKA (SLO) + Tomaž Kolarič: DIALOŠKOST IN EMPATIČNOST / pregledna razstava + Glitch trigger#1 + Rastišče + [na praznik kulture] Niko Novak – Poslednji med velikimi croonerji | Last of the big crooners + [last minute] vrhunski avdio-vizualni duo MSℍℝ (ZDA) v ŽIVO z MASℍ MAℕIF OLD + [Diskurzor 004] Konzervacija+restavracija v okviru Cirkulacije 2 + 2023 Vesele praznike in pogumen vstop v leto 2024 + ART-MUS: Sejem umetnin in praznik umetniškega izraza! + Aphra Tesla, Stefan Doepner archAngel Incorporated / 8 duš + VIDEOPISMA / Henrike von Dewitz in Simon Svetlik + [sreda] Prepared Surroundings 2023: 15. mednarodni festival eksperimentalnega zvoka + [torek CoFestival] Kolektiv NDA Hrvaška: Predstava, ki nastaja + Translacija | Traslación: Rdeče niti #Cirkulacija 2 + dvojna Friforma: WERCKMEISTER kvartet + Mladi Raziskovalci – kvartet + Osnovni delci Cirkulacije 2 na festivalu IZIS Koper + [interview] “Cirkulacija 2: The space we share” + Agustina De Vera: Čustveno avdio-vizualni zemljevid :: sledi potovanja v Slovenijo + Tom Winkler :: Stròj1 strôja m (ȍ ó) + [Jazzz klub Mezzoforte] ZORAN ŠĆEKIĆ koncert mikrotonalne glasbe + Ne-festival: KRIK :: PRVI GLAS + Vida Vojić :: PATTERNS LEAD ME HERE + [synthi delavnica] Alwin Weber “NoiseToys – not just for boys!” + Neža Knez in Tin Dožić “PARALELNA PRETAKANJA” + THE ANGEL’S SHARE / Del gre za angelce + Domišljija se razmahne, ko je zunaj slabo vreme | Imagination emerges into weathering + RAM RAM mozaična predstava [zadnji ponovitvi] + Colin Black in Stefan Doepner: The Transmittal Hearing + FAUST : : OBNOVA = večmedijski performens + Excuses Izgovori + KRAČA :: Tatiana Kocmur in Marta Fakuch + [3x v tednu] RAM RAM mozaična predstava + [popopraznična] Pogojna aritmija (z ali brez) + RADART # 14: SONOR(N)OST | tudi v Cirkulaciji 2 + CLOCKWORK VOLTAGE – Patch from Scratch + Francisco Tomsich – Borut Savski = Poletne pesmi | Summer Songs + [8. marec] Anita Wach / 30 Stavkov (Končna rešitev in Boj z duhovi) + VELIKI BENEFIT za Cirkulacijo + Goran Tomčić – “Pompom Nets – Ljubljana” = participatorna umetnost + [fotozvočna instalacija] P L A T E AU R E S I D U E: Zaslonke v pokrajini + [sluhodvod] Tu živijo vsi / Everybody Lives Here – The Third Guy + Stijn Demeulenaere + 2022 [Studio 8.1] Get Together — Dogodek št. 4 – Tobija Hudnik + D•still by Miha Godec / intermedijska instalacija + [veseli december] art-MUS: sejem umetnin v C2 + [skejterji only] “Pet let na svet; hlače spet” = pet za pet v petek + Tjaž in Gizmo :: Glasbena miza + Visual(s) Edition + [Via Negativa vabi] GLASS ILLKA / na predvečer referendumskega dne + Studio 8.1 – Jan Kopač – Vignettes + Fukuhara Lisk Savski :: Dislociran duh + Radharani Pernarčič – PLESNI VODIČ PO KATALOGU UDOBJA + TZUSSS / Silvan Schmid, Tizia Zimmermann, Urška Savič + Maayan Liebman Sharon – INTIMACY / work in progress + Cirkulacija 2 & Stroj za izboljšanje sveta na PixxelPoint v Novi Gorici + FUCKUPTIMEMACHINE by Vida Vojić + [vabljeni] Studio 8.1 / Jan Kopač – Sin_thesis + BIG BANG vs STRING THEORY / big-bend Cirkulacija 2 + Guionnet | Murayama | Filip :: 3 x 2 = 3? + ŽIVI FOSIL / Tatiana Kocmur, Liza Šimenc + Javno dobro in nestanovitni mediji + Nina Stopar – Rojstvo slike | The Birth of a painting + ME SLIŠIŠ :: mozaični dogodek v Cirkulaciji² + ZAKLONIŠČNI TRIO (Estela Žutić, Keiko Myazaki, Gilles Duvivier) + First Terrace Tour 2022: Sofheso, Specimens, Skip Summers, JC Leisure + FriForma: PASCAL NIGGENKEMPER – La vallée de l’étrange / Dolina čudes + [last minute] Zebracadabra: Z/Apophasis – concertanz + Radio Študent TRESK #13: razstava vizualnih natečajev + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 3 + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 2 + Lapsus-quo / NOTA – Elvis Homan, Boštjan Simon, Liza Šimenc + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 1 + Oblak / gibalno-zvočna video kompozicija + Untergrunt poletni jazz festival: Marko Petrušič Petko + Maja Weiss – BELI BOJEVNIK V ČRNI OBLEKI | director’s cut! + KA TO GLEDAŠ / končna razstava študentk in študentov 3. letnika VIST + Neža Zupanc – recital za flavto + Skupni imenovalec | Common Denominator / velika skupinska razstava + FriForma & Cirkulacija 2: Drašlerja in Røysum + Anita Wach: Levica Sredica Pravica & zvočne zgodbe + Draženje očesa // 53. rojstni dan Radia Študent! + Studio 8.1: Jan Kopač + Kasper T Toeplitz: Elemental II & Burning House + Uspavanka za Cirkulacijo št. 2 in druge zvočne zgodbe + KonstruktK3 smo državljani NSK + [neumorna] FriForma: VVU (Violeta García & Javier Areal Veléz) in Primož Sukič + Martina Jurak: Prehajanje : : Cirkulacija 2 + KUD Mreža / FriFormA\V: MRM trio & Lina Rica + Feminizem zavzema mesto! FriFormA\V in Rdeče zore + Prezenca in e-senca akademskega slikarja Dominika Mahniča + [Cirkulacija 2 & FriForma] Dve trobenti: Silvan Schmid & Timothée Quost / dva Seijira: Seijiro Murayama & Jernej Babnik Romaniuk + Emil Memon GRAFFITI finissage! + 2021 beepblip, Tisa Neža Herlec, Lina Rica: Relativna tišina ob zori + Marta Fakuch – Wellness @ C2 + Emil Memon – GRAFFITI + Studio 8.1: Kako živijo ljudje (bonus track) + KUD Obrat: Onkraj 10 let & Stefan Doepner: Humus + Joe Summers: Five New Songs + 1,5 + Diorama: vizualni dialog Tatiane K. in Giampaola P. + Studio 8.1 #4/21 Brina Kren: kako živijo ljudje. + Mladi Raziskovalci IV. – Lenart De Bock – Steps + Tjaž Juvan: NOISTER::C² – cirkus cirkulatio + Dialog 1,5 + Asinhronost / Tatiana Kocmur in Borut Savski + Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec – Brati (kot) telesa + Studio 8.1 #3 + Šum #16 + zapovedujemo: John Duncan – Ž + FriFormA\V: LĪMEN + Festival Re_humanizacija! + Cirkulacija 2 – Stroj za izboljšanje sveta v Celju | World Improvement Machine in Celje | 2. letnik + Elvin Brandhi – FEAR THE FEARLESS | BOJ SE NJIH, KI NE POZNAJO STRAHU + Studio 8.1 — Kako živijo ljudje, 2/21 + Barbara Kapelj – Lastne sobe | Rooms of Their Own -> WOW + Gonko Doepner Organism + Mike Hentz – KROG | CIRCLE => festival! + Zeleni zvoki Umoblodnice + JazzzklubMezzoforte Cirku5lacijA sVOBODNImEDmEDIJSKIjAMsEssION + Studio_8.1 _ Brina Kren _ kako živijo ljudje + Barbara Kapelj – Mesto prihodnosti / urbanistično-gradbena delavnica za najmlajše + Peter & Alexander = how to keep loudness quiet? | kako ohraniti glasnost tiho? + Radharani Pernarčič & Cirkulacija 2: IZUMIJE CASTRA FIK ARKE + abeceda = Mladi raziskovalci, Osnovna oblika in Serija Tu + Rdeče zore: Ingver in GverilkII + Kvadratni meter: NAJEMNINA + STROŠKI + Duhovi preteklosti oživljeni + 2020 Razširjena Cirkulacija 2: Stroj za izboljšanje sveta + Kovidska (hiper)produkcija Cirkulacije 2 + Neven Korda – SPOMINI NA SEDANJOST + Razglas: Mehatronična delavnica Cirkulacije 2 + Borut Kržišnik DANCING MACHINE (new | neu | nov) album + FriFormA\V: Christine Schörkhuber / Noid (Avstrija) – Razmestitve (zvočne instalacije) + Studio_8.1 _kako živijo ljudje, drugič + Q Hologram 2070: Muzej raznolikosti + Vida Voyage aka Vida Vojić aka lonesome cowboy aka secret agent… + Alessandro Di Giampietro – “Assist” | “Pomagalo” – Ikonografija objema + /// Polymorphic ritual //// + presentation_performance: Sailor_log: 3rd ocean + post_festum: uvertura festivala A dela? v Cirkulaciji 2 + ČAS BREZ DOTIKA – skupinska razstava + FRIFORMA\AV: NOITU – SCATTER_RADAR + Skladnjin skupek #1: ad-hoc koncert v Cirkulaciji | podhod Ajdovščina + Studio_8.1 _kako živijo ljudje + Stroj za izboljšanje sveta | weltverbesserungmaschine + Tatiana Kocmur | Liza Šimenc – MARY JANE + Francisco Tomsich -> ELEGIJA | ELEGY + Program 2020 + Cirkulacija 2: Novice iz podzemlja + Cirkulacija2GO – kot Feniks! + Cirkulacija 2 uspešno izseljena! Exodos completed! + [izseljevanje] Cirkulacija 2 na prelomu + 2019 [napovedujemo] Javno-zasebno partnerstvo! + Angstblüten II / Timor Flores II + Nikolaus Woernle et al. – MODULAR MONSTER + Elvin Brandhi: Pozdrav žetvi in nastopu mračnejšega dela leta! + Dre A. Hočevar et al – Verso Doxa / celotedenski intenziv + Terraformer predstavlja: Ž, Neo Cymex in Kikiriki + Robert B. Lisek & Cirkulacija 2: UI za umetnike – AI for artists + Boštjan Čadež: Gospod Procesor, razumete življenje? + B-stran: Lab Irint + Dominik Mahnič – 1/200 + IvAnKe – Outsukisama | performens/ predstava + Rdeča Raketa & Patrick K.-H v Cirkulaciji 2 + Doepner & Summers: Drevesna harfa (ali: Samo drevo nas je), prvi del + Vida Vojić – Sen novih zgodb + RAZPROSTOR – razstava in večmedijski dogodek + Skrivni svet Noldusove + RHIZOMAS /Ryuzo Fukuhara, Tracy Lisk, Stefan Doepner/ + Urška Preis & Kaja Janjić – Razgaljeno + tridnevna kitarska šagra: Gino Lucente – Sagra + Sukitoa O Namau & Joe Summers live + Joe Summers | The Last Of England – live score + Tristo tisoč duš na ljubljanskem gradu + RADART #10: X/L Experiment: Radio Tovarna + Cirkulacija 2: Kakofonija kakovizija v Osmozi + ALUO uho in ALUO+C2 praktikum + Program 2019 + 2018 Ne(do)konč(a)no… + “-O-” = Simon Svetlik, Ryuzo Fukuhara in Takatsuna Mukai v C2 + Sound Chambers Series vol. VIII meets C2 + “Bodi Jimi tudi ti!” – delavnica na Gradu Kromberk | Pixxelpoint 2018 + C2 na festivalu Umetnosti in robotike v Trstu | C2 at the Festival of Arte e Robotica in Trieste + Biti aparat | biti umetnik = Roboti risarji + Simpozij Umetnost umetne inteligence | The Art of Artificial Intelligence + Exodos: C2 v Helsinkih / Finska + Jesenski dnevi tečejo | As autumn days go by… + MED, CIMET, ROZINE IN ČAS balletkvintet + Večmedijski skupinski dogodek: MED ZVERJO IN NEMOČJO + Anže Sever – Rob + friformA\V / 16.08.2018 / Lina Rica (HR) / Bálint Bolcsó (HU) / Samo Kutin (SI) + Neven Korda – Daj mi mir! + Petek trinajstega: Trije zvočni pari + Vida Vojić: poezija, zvok in glas + Špica Ljubljana: Alessandro Di Giampietro – Thinga Things | Stvari + Jana Jevtović & Engin Can: Teleskopiranje | Telescoping + oOo! 5. oOobletnica poOovezoOovanj v C² + Izračun Slepih Pilotov + A Pit of Koelse | Luknja Koelse: Sublimacija znoja + Velenje v Ljubljani: Kutwyv + Nova londonska scena | New London underground Specimens, JC Leisure, Vida Vojić, Joe Summers + John Duncan “The TELL” = svetovna premiera + In vendar se vrti | Eppur Si Muove + Cirkulacija 2: Program 2018 + Disinformation + Savski v Coni + Alte Lezbiše Kunst; zvočni performans + 2017 Kikiriki in ROR v C2 + Doepner in Savski na Robotics Anteprima v Trstu + Marko Batista – Uspavanka za CIRKULACIJO + Nez Pez // Pez Pushing + Maribor: Ambasada Cirkulacija 2 na MFRU + Stiropor = ekspandirani polistiren + Klaus Filip (Dunaj/ Avstrija) ::optosonics:: + HuXterlTronik = Dani Bedrač + ::vtol:: = Dmitri Morozov + Peter Rauch: Ponavljanje – samostojna skupinska razstava + Knjiga oglja / DopisovanjeM + Monika Pocrnjić – SVAROG.3 + Ponovni vzpon Poljske kraljice! + Tatsuru Arai – Arkhitek-ton /+\ Tinitus – Ljubezen je hladnejša od smrti + M / DopisovanjeM + Tanja Vujinović – Univerzalni objekti (Eksplozije, BBFs2, Tihožitje) + Mešani dvojni trojček | Mixed double triplet = Mike Hentz, Javier Areal Vélez, Strunarja + Derek Holzer – VECTOR SYNTHESIS | VEKTORSKA SINTEZA + OPERA ROBOTANIKKA GENESISI Karl Heinz Jeron + ZASAVJE NOISEFEST v C2/Tobačna/Ljubljana! + Adam Donovan & Katrin Hochschuh: Psychophysics Machines and Swarms + Ewa Justka at Robotanikka: Light = Sound || Zvok=Svetloba? + Robotanika: Genesis + Mini Maker Faire @ C2 Tobačna Ljubljana! + Z.B.Ø.R. (Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski) + Alessandro Di Giampietro – Whatever you think I am that is what i’m not + Seppo Gruendler in Josef Klammer – Mali pribor | Kleines Besteck + Cirkulacija 2: Program 2017 + Preko vode do svobode v Kinu Šiška + Luka Prinčič: Razpoke vmesnika IF4Q + 2016 Duplerica: Boštjan Čadež “ROJ” in DivinaMimesis “AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ANIMAL” + Simfonija groze. Happy New Fear 2017! + RADART #7: RADAR NAD TOBAČNO + Zaprtje -> Dominik Mahnič – Kosi 2014-2016 + Robotanika na razstavi Robotica v Trstu + slikarska razstava -> Dominik Mahnič | Kosi 2014-2016 + John Duncan v C² ! + Simptomi meta mesta #37: Želja + Anyma na obisku v Cirkulaciji 2 + MC2=Ǝ / gibalna razstava + Neverjetno! 10 let Cirkulacije 2 + Herman & Savski: Vračnica in bali; druga javna vaja + Nina Dragičević: Parallellax release + V nedeljo se dobimo: Na stalnem naslovu najinega početja + Robotanika = C2 gre v Velenje + Herman & Savski: Vračnica in bali; prva javna vaja! + 3. avgust 2016: Niku Senpuki & Emerge, pavleisdead, Emerge & Neven M. Agalma + Atlas of Tremors v C2 + Zasavje NoiseFest 2016 v C2-labu! + Klima: Nedekadentni koncert? + DekaDANCE + Mike Hentz: Živa umetnost kot raziskava kulture in življenja + Napovedujemo: Klima, dekadenca, človek|stroj + Kdo je Mike Hentz + Dogodek O5 v C² + V iskanju izgubljene enostavnosti + Urkuma in ROR v C² + April/ maj v Cirkulaciji 2 – uvod v antidekadenco + Sejem Dostop do orodij | Access to Tools + Dobrodošli na ATT/AND Rijeka – Semenj umetniških orodij! + 2015 happy new fear 2016 – zabava na žicah + Oscar Martin: Ekstremni Atraktorji v C2 + Jesenski odmevi Hrup smo mi: Dušan Zidar + Jesenski odmevi Hrup smo mi: Arturas Bumšteinas + Predstavitev C2 tehnologij na #MTFCentral + šmarnica in cvičk v C2: N’toko in Igor Vuk + Cirkulacija 2: Showcase 0.3 = prigodna razstava preteklih in prihodnjih del in opravil + Hrup smo mi::Kulturni vmesniki + Strictly Analog 3# in Svetlobna Gverila v Tobačni & C² + RADART #6 :: RADAR RIZOM :: 4 LETA PLATFORME RADAR + Ars ac²ustic²a -> ART’S BIRTHDAY PARTY, 16. januar 2015 + 2014 Happy New Fear! + Hrup smo mi: Prostor časa | Space Time + Microbot (Stelarc in Doepner) v Cirkulaciji² + C² – otvoritev novega prostora Cirkulacije 2 + Smernice razvoja: Prostor časa + 2013 VELIKA POŽRTIJA – sobota 21. december ob 20.00 + Arduino praktikum = novodobni tehno intenziv + Dva ugrabljenca z MFRU: John Smith in Oscar Martin + C2 / Platforma za totalno umetnost: Tri socialne skulpture + Izjava Cirkulacije 2 – skupine začasnih uporabnikov Roga + Globoki temni gozd + Zvok organizma – Organizem zvoka + Fruity-Box (Karl Heinz Jeron v Cirkulaciji 2) + Taste of Vtol/ Okus Vtola + Redno letno srečanje ljubiteljev cirkulacije + 2012 Cirkulacija 2: pričetek predstavitev in delavnic Uvod v arduino v RogLabu + Multipla cirkulacija – socius urbis / otvoritev RogLaba + Interšmano = Cirkulacija 2 praznuje… + Sajeta 2012, tehnološke delavnice -> Združene sile C2_TO + Tri muhe na en mah: Cirkulacija 2, Konrad Gęca in Ana Raquel Pereira + Cirkulacija 2 v Zagrebu – galerija Močvara, 9. -13. junij 2012 + Total Noise Session #3 – Marcus Beuter = umetnost zvoka + v Cirkulaciji 2: Uvod v arduino + Kunst und Brot – Salon des Refusés 2012/1 + 2011 Drevo spoznanja in Hrupni robot v C2 + Platforma za totalno umetnost na MFRU 2011 + testna verzija: Urbi et Orbi intervencija – v vašem mestu, ko pade noč… + Paralelni svetovi na Metelkovi + Cirkulacija 2 na Sajeti 2011 + Cirkulacija 2 na Svetlobni gverili + 42 let RŠ – platforma RADAR + Redundantne tehnologije – zbiralna akcija + Cirkulacija 2: Space is the Place + Indija v Cirkulaciji >< Cirkulacija v Indiji + 2010 Zvoki Cirkulacije 2 na Novem trgu v Ljubljani + Razširjena Cirkulacija 2 na Pixxelpointu + C2_Kiblix_Mfru_Haip : Total Noise Session v Cirkulaciji 2 + Jesenski sadeži Cirkulacije 2 + Social Noise Session + C2 na Paralelnih svetovih na Metelkovi + Cirkulacija 2 na festivalu Sajeta 2010 + New media drivers feat. Cirkulacija 2 + Expanded Cirkulacija at Alkatraz – wrapping up + Expanded Cirkulacija at Alkatraz + Cirkulacija na Vstop prost v Celju + Cirkulacija 2 prejme Zlato ptico + Predstavitev Cirkulacije 2 v Novi Gorici + Cirkulacija 2: Pomladanski zvitki in Mehki zvoki naveličanosti + Cirkulacija 2 gosti vegetarijanko, aktivistko, umetnico, glasbenico in galeristko Reni Hofmueller + 2009 Cirkulacija 2 na Netart Community Convention v Grazu + javno snemanje: Analogična kompozicija + Reality show – “voice-noise karaoke” + Moška umetnost / Male art + CIRKULACIJA 2 na festivalu SAJETA pri Tolminu + Prostor zvoka = telo zvoka + Cirkulacija 2 in Antikonzum + Netart – krompir v žerjavici + 2008 Cirkulacija 2: Vladavina Konzuma + Majda Gregorič v Muzeju premoderne umetnosti + Transpozicije prostorov na Paralelnih svetovih + Odprta Cirkulacija 2 + Cirkulacija na koruzi / Dario Seraval v Brlogu + Napoved: Cirkulacija pod pritiskom + Elektro / Elektra + Zvočenja v Cirkulaciji 2 + Novi okusi Cirkulacije 2 + Video: Kerber nezavednega + Kerber nezavednega in druge zgodbe + Okus Cirkulacije 2 – st. 3 + Video: Event C + Čisto običajen večer v Cirkulaciji 2 + Totalna razprodajna razstava umetnosti + Event C: Taljenje umetnosti v dogodek + Hobotnica s polento + Brlog + 2007 Rotirajoči dogodek v Cirkulaciji 2 + BRLOG + Predstavitev Trivia Records / Zapisi v Cirkulaciji 2 + Razbita lepota, Broken beauty + Reanimacija Cirkulacije + CIRKULACIJA 2 v tovarni Rog nadaljuje + Boj se kreativnosti oblastnikov! + INTERDISCIPLINARNA POSTAJA CIRKULACIJA 2