Prezenca in e-senca akademskega slikarja Dominika Mahniča
Published on February 4th, 2022On Thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 19.00 we invite you again to Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina subway Ljubljana – for the finissage of exhibition
Dominik Mahnič: Presence and e-sense
If analog photography killed mimetic painting, digital revived it, but not by itself – but guided by the masterful technological ‘hand’ of software and brushography acrobatics – of academic painter Dominik Mahnič.
Events of the exhibition:
– thursday, February 10, 2022 – the opening of exhibition
Mahnič is exhibiting brushographies on large format canvas – created between the second and fifth waves. Brushographies are the result of many years of research and development of both software and hardware for the realization of works of art.
The installation of paintings at the exhibition are in so-called imaginary space. They are rotated out of the absolute horizontal and vertical planes, so that each painting occupies its own spatial plane. This provides the viewer with a more authentic starting point for experiencing the image. In addition, the complexity of the experience was deepened by Boštjan Leskovšek with his composed immersive sound ambience.
– thursday, 17 February 2022: What is brushography / from idea to a painting
First public presentation of brushography, the development and use of proprietary software and hardware solutions for the materialization of digital artworks – with a live demonstration! An extended presentation of the methods, sharing insights into digital imaging, color gamut, color palettes, fibres, dyes, emulsions, pigments, substrates, digital creative processes, the sixteen strokes I use to realize an image, using as much pigment as a hand painting in one stroke, economics, color layering, ecology, converting images to g-code.
– thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 19.00: Finissage
At the closing event the most contemporary of the painters will use videoprojectors to explode the paintings all over the place. This is – expertly called – video-mapping. The musical part to this veejaying will be provided by Skeletonium ( With his movement th space between the paintings will be mixed by butoh improvisor Ryuzo Fukuhara, presenting for the first time his new series “Ghost, dislocation (of body and mind) . To observe the unaffected exhibition – the first hour of finissage is available.
Although the aurative presence of these paintings is undeniable, its shadows are elusive: the “muses” of nature and real people are not handed over to any immediacy of the lone genius and his inspiration. The name of the game is in triple métier: of the observer, the technologist, the painter.
The question addressed to you, dear observer is: in what way is the mediality of the medium of these works established in the intersection of your own mediation (medialization) here and now. Simply put: who or what are you, when the painting positions you in space? When together with the painting – you yourself is exhibited – as their e-sense?
/Alen Širca/
photo Jana Urbas
The Presence and e-sense exhibition presents the results of efforts to materialize paintings using a computer and hardware interfaces. These are larger format paintings in a special “brush-o-graphic” technique. Brushography is my naming of a technique in which the brush is the element that has the last contact when applying paint to the surface. Dedicated software and hardware were developed for brushography. In five years, hundreds of works of different sizes, approaches and solutions have been created. The method itself has reached a high level that I would like to present to the public.
/mag. Dominik Mahnič/
RTV Slovenija: Boštjan Jurečič
Dominik Mahnič always surprises with his approaches, as he manages to combine the seemingly incompatible: tradition and innovation (or technicalization). To the program of Cirkulacija 2 it brings a reflection that is not exclusive of anyone/ anything. In increasingly mentally constrained worlds, this is important.
Previous exhibitions by Dominik Mahnič in Cirkulacija 2:
Production Cirkulacija 2
Stojan, thanks for the canvas!
Prelet skozi razstavo | One flew over the cookoo’s nest / Uroš Dolinar
foto Tatiana Kocmur