Gonko Doepner Organism
Published on June 22nd, 2021Četrtek, 24. junija 2021 ob 21:00
Cirkulacija 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana
gonko doepner organism
schnittstellendefinition ist das abgleichen von dem, was passt + was nicht.
interface definition is the adjustment of what fits and what does not.
definicija vmesnika je uskladitev med tem, kar ustreza + kaj ne.
die ausweitung der maschine
the expansion of the machine
razširitev stroja
Berthold Brecht published in 1948, the year after the hearing at the McCarthy committee for unamerican activities, his revised and bundled instructions for action (-> a manual) for dramatic arts in the age of science. He calls it “Little Organon for the Theatre”. In the title he refers again to the writings of Aristoteles against whose aesthetics he vigorously set himself apart with his conception of the epic. With the Greek term Organon he emphasizes the toolbox character of his writing. It can be seen as a manual for a new art production – not only for the theater. For Brecht the “Little Organon” is a (self)critical resumee on his thinking on the exchange ration of dramatics/ poetry, science and society. It’s a theoretical blueprint for practical intervention in the form of intelligent, quick-witted acting in the context of the aesthetics . (Siegfried Zielinski)
Me, who writes this, is typing it on a machine that was not known at the time of my birth. I move in the new vehicles at a speed that my grandfather couldn’t imagine […] and get up in the air, which my father couldn’t. I have already spoken to my father across the continents, but it was only with my son, that i saw the moving images of the explosion in Hiroshima. (B. Brecht)
The evening will also be streamed live via this link:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFy-veYjQBs