Domišljija se razmahne, ko je zunaj slabo vreme | Imagination emerges into weathering
Published on July 4th, 2023
exhibition: Imagination emerges into weathering
collection of hand-made prints
Opening of the exhibition: Thursday, 6th of July at 21:00 @ Cirkulacija 2 (Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana)
A collection of almost three years of hand-made prints that La fulmine collective did in two years between two different studios and houses in Sardinia/ Italy and Bogotà/ Colombia. The aim of the project is basically sharing experiences and knowledges in order to create a different proposal with images and concepts with a social and political focus.
Our inspiration is the traditional printing technique that comes directly from the Gutenberg’s invention of movable types and woodcut prints and the declinations of political paste up from South America and from the 60’ in Europe.
The result is a trace on paper of the collaboration and shared work of many different heads and hands that participated to La Fulmine Project.
Program // Counter-cultural program
Collection of posters
@ Športna dvorana Tabor (all days of the gathering)
This is a part of posters and designs with social and political meanings that inspired and still influence us in what we do in our everyday life and in the connections and ideas that we want to develop with our printing house La Fulmine.
Thanks to a series of fortunate coincidences, we can share them in their original version or with digital replicas.
All the posters and designs are from people from europe and central-south america because of our personal routes, personal connections and for the important part that postering had in social communication in this places in the last years.
We hope to share again and again this collection and that can grow and take new life in the imaginary of other people and communities.
Exhibition will take place all days of the gathering at the main location of the Bookafair in Dvorana Tabor.
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Located somewhere in between Sardinia/ Italy and Bogotà/ Colombia, LA FULMINE is a self-managed place, of production, creation and circulation of images that resist against official representations and marketing purposes. LA FULMINE laboratory was created in 2019 from an idea of Ericailcane and Bastardilla, when among the dust they recovered some tools and priceless archives from an old disused traditional typography in the Sardinian town of Oristano.
LA FULMINE works towards a collaborative and communal horizon, nurtured by different creators, activists and people interested in the reproduction of images through engraving made in xylography, etching, lynography and old clichés.
LA FULMINE is not a design company or an artistic entrepreneurship. LF is now a set of changing and disorganized know-how which focuses its praxis in the inquiry of contents in the images, representing an interpretative language and collecting genealogies of analog serial reproduction.