Ghosts of the Past resurrected
Published on January 11th, 2021In the beginning of the year – remembering the last weeks of the past year:
The window-shopping installation_exhibition of Elvin Brandhi (-> Wales) in Cirkulacija 2 / Ajdovščina subway_ shopping mall. In the pre-christian bakery tradition we are greeted with the images of today’s post-human reality – the ghosts of the past: the only remnant of (the memories) of Life.
The second piece again relates constructively to the post-human moment. Name: POLICIJSKA URA (->police hour = curfew). Set up on the Photopub gallery roof (-> A very practical device shows the time remaining before the onset of curfew.
The third piece is the traditional annual collaboration of Cirkulacija 2 and Radio Študent: Radart#11: RADADAR -> from 17th december 2020. The topic was historical: 100 years anniversary of dada – the opening of frst dada exhibition -> Dada fair (Berlin, 1920). The absurdity of then is mirrored with the absurdity of today.
Also: the peoples of Cirkulacija 2 hereby express our unshakeable belief of the necessity of keeping Radio Student alive and independent – not only as an incubator for future professionals, but as one of the last remaining safehouses of media and cultural colorfulness in pop-political back-to-provincialism black&white simplifications!
Izložba Cirkulacija 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2
Ljudje preganjajo duhove,
živi prežijo na mrtve…
Ghost plastic reused by internal laugher
of the subject walking silent:
humans haunting ghosts,
the living stalk the dead
/skaters stuck in the short cut/
Elvin Brandhi (Elvin kot škratinja, Brandhi kot Gandhi, Br kot Brexit) je bila del programa Cirkulacije 2, ki ga sofinancira Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Photopub Ljubljana
Več (če ste član…) instagram ->
Ob pomanjkanju vladnega zaupanja v zrelost in presojo slovenskega naroda je oblast 20. oktobra 2020 uvedla policijsko uro, da bi z represivnimi metodami omejila širjenje COVID 19, kljub uspešnemu spopadu z pandemijo v prvem valu brez policijske ure. Spomin na policijsko uro je pri nekaterih, ki so danes najbolj ogrožena skupina, še živ iz časov fašistične italijanske okupacije med 2. svetovno vojno. Do sedaj smo prebivalci Slovenije že 84 dni, devet ur na dan od 21h zvečer do 6h zjutraj v hišnem priporu. Glede na število prebivalstva v Sloveniji to skupno znese 1.584.470.916 ur izgubljene osebne svobode, za namen reševanja nas, pred nami samimi.
Vsi se zavedamo, da virus nima časovne omejitve, to pa ne pomeni, da se virus ne širi na delovnem mestu, v tovarnah, gradbiščih, šolah, vrtcih, bolnišnicah, domovih za ostarele, trgovinah, zbiranju v javnih in privatnih prostorih. Vemo pa, da v megli vsesplošnih »zdravstvenih« ukrepov avtoritarna oblast agresivno napada, kaznuje in ustrahuje narod. Vzporedno s tem spreminja zakone, ki bodo ostali tudi po sedanji situaciji in katerih posledice bodo na plečih Slovencev še dolgo.
Čemu torej resnično služi policijska ura?
Umetnik »name:« je kot reakcijo na nastale ukrepe 31.12.2020 postavil intervencijo v javni prostoru z naslovom POLICIJSKA URA.
Digitalna ura formata 1,5×5,8m je umeščena na Fotopubovem projektnem prostoru(Tivolska cesta 44, arh. Milan Mihelič). Ura državljanom odšteva 15 ur svobode gibanja od 6.ure do 21.ure. Ob 21:00 se ura ustavi in kaže 00:00:00 v času prepovedi gibanja. Ura bo v opomin na represijo odštevala, dokler vlada policijske ure ne ukine.
Slovenskega umetnika »name:« poznamo po akcijah in intervencijah v javni prostor npr.: SOS SMS, kjer so s pomočjo dimnih signalov iz dimnika Stare elektrarne v Ljubljani, mimoidoči preko SMSov lahko v zrak spuščali sporočila, NANOgrafiti 200 mikronov najmanjših grafitov na svetu na najbolj turističnih mestih evropskih prestolnic, intervenciji PING PONG preko mejne ograje na meji s Slovenijo in Hrvaško, napis NEW WORLD ORDER na piranski punti v prvem valu pandemije, kjer je sodeloval z umetnikom Bradom Downeyem in po prvem podvodnem grafitu na svetu TIME WILL TELL v Izoli, kar kaže na raznolikost kreativnih pristopov »name:«
On 20 October 2020, the Slovenian government has expressed its distrust of the maturity and good judgement of the Slovenian people by instituting a nationwide curfew. This repressive measure was allegedly adopted to limit the spread of COVID-19, despite the country having successfully tackled the first wave of the pandemic without it. Among some of the most high-risk citizens, the memory of the last curfew is as alive as ever; it was instituted by fascist Italy during its World War II occupation of Slovenia. The citizens of Slovenia have been under a nine-hour house arrest between the hours of 9 pm and 6 am for 84 days now. Relative to the country’s population that amounts to 1,548,470,916 hours of freedom lost in a bid to protect us from ourselves.
We are all well aware it is impossible to put a time limit on this virus. However, this does not mean that it does not spread in the workplace, factories, on construction sites, at schools, in preschools, hospitals, nursing homes, stores, at gatherings in private and public spaces. What we do know is that this haze of »health« measures is nothing but a pretence for an authoritarian government to aggressively attack, punish and terrorise the nation. These measures are accompanied by legislative changes that will remain after the current situation has passed and the consequences of which will fall on the Slovenian people.
What, then, is the true purpose of the curfew?
As a response to current government measures, on 31/12/2020 the artist known as »name:« created an intervention into public space titled CURFEW.
A 1.5×5.8m digital clock is affixed to the front of a former gas station (44 Tivolska Street, architect Milan Mihelič). The timer counts down the 15 hours between 6 am and 9 pm during which citizens are allowed to move freely. At 9 pm the clock stops, displaying 00:00:00 for the duration of the curfew. As a reminder of the current government’s repressive actions, the timer will count down until the curfew is lifted.
Slovenian artist »name:« is known for their actions and interventions into public space, such as SOS SMS, during which smoke signals emitted from the chimney of Ljubljana’s Old Power Plant were used to transmit the messages texted by passers-by; NANOgrafiti, 200 microns of the smallest graffiti in the world installed at some of the most important tourist sites of European capitals; the PING PONG intervention on the Slovenian-Croatian border fence; the NEW WORLD ORDER mural, created during the first wave of the pandemic in collaboration with Brad Downey on the Piran Punta; and TIME WILL TELL, the world’s first underwater graffiti in Izola. All these artworks are a testament to »name:«’s manifold creative approaches.
Policijska ura je nastala v Mehatronični delavnici Cirkulacije 2, ki jo je v letu 2020 sofinanciral Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti (JSKD). Ta delavnica sestavi orodja, tehnologije in ekspertna znanja, ki se nahajajo v Cirkulaciji 2 in jih v določeni meri ponudi v uporabo tudi drugim posameznikom, ki kaj takšnega potrebujejo. Podrobnejši opis tehničnih rešitev, ki jih je prispeval Borut Savski:
Radio Študent + Cirkulacija 2: Radart#11: RADADAR
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Upravljalke in upravljalci vezja: Mojca Zupančič, Tisa Neža Herlec, Sašo Puckovski, Luka Seliškar, Anja Hrovatič, Urška Savič, ekipa Cirkulacija2
Teorada: Saša Hajzler, Kristina Pranjić, Ana Lorger
Radadirka: Urška Savič
Avantdada: Bojan Anđelković
Dizajn: Jure Anžiček
Zgodbe: mamica Anica, očka Uroš
Scenokolaž: Matija Drobne – Maco
Koprodukcija: Cirkulacija2, Zavod YugoTranslate, Zavod Delak
Podporniki: MOL, ŠOU in MK