Square meter: RENT + COSTS
Published on February 13th, 2021Od 19. februarja do 8. marca 2021 je v Cirkulaciji 2, Podhod Ajdovščina, Ljubljana na ogled razstava “Najemnina + stroški” aktivistično-umetniške skupine Kvadratni meter.
Razstava bo na ogled vsak dan od 13.00-18.00, razen prvi dan: v petek, 19. februarja, ko bo odprta od 16.00 do 19.00. Ob nedeljah in ponedeljkih zaprto.
Skupina umetnic najmlajše generacije je bila v preteklih tednih vključena v podporni program Mehatronične delavnice C2.
The artistic activist installation “Rent + costs” of the Kvadratni meter (-> Square Meter) group deals with housing issues in the local and European space. Under the impression of free existence and the idea of meritocracy, modern human suffers from a sense of guilt over his own inability to survive in a system that is supposed to reward the diligent with wealth. With the project, the group focuses on the concrete causes of the living anxieties of the younger generations and the working class, as well as on the inevitable existential consequences and contradictions. There is already a paradox in the constitutions of some European Union countries regarding the right to a decent residence and the impossibility of defining it, let alone exercising it. Increasingly gentrified cities are pushing their populations and activities to the margins and transforming them into a sterile space adapted to tourism and real estate collectors.
We find ourselves in a wooden structure that represents a room for two random people. Oppressive is not only the psychological inability to occupy space and characterize it, but also the physical construction, which is diminishing from moment to moment. The ground floor window provides a voyeuristic experience for passers-by who are called to empathize with the situation that is facing more and more people.
Kvadratni meter (-> Square Meter) is a group of artists and activists who explore real estate issues through artistic expression. The group uses different artistic practices and expresses itself through different media.
Umetniško delo je nastalo pod pokroviteljstvom projekta “BITE of Art” s finančno podporo Evropske Unije preko projekta Kreativna Evropa. Art work was sponsored by “BITE of Art” project within the EU’s Creative Europe program.