A Pit of Koelse | Luknja Koelse: Sublimacija znoja
Published on May 19th, 2018Koelse vabi: v sredo, 30. maja 2018 ob 21.00 v Cirkulaciji 2 | Tobačna Ljubljana:
“Sublimacija znoja”
kar je vrhunec desetdnevne nanizanke s finsko savno, le izbrancem odkritim notranjim krogom vpogleda v sodobno vero v tehnologijo – in razstavo paranormalnih naprav. Vse to se bo tega dne zaključilo z naslednjimi povednimi besedami:
“Morda smo se spustili.
Dizintegracija skozi vključitev.
Luknja renči globčeje.”
Koelse (Association of experimental electronics – Kokeellisen Elektroniikan Seura) so se postpostpostmodernega fenomena lotili na način negacije negacije negacije, kar ob koncu konca konca zgodovine dopusti bore malo. V glavnem je vse prepuščeno domišljiji in redko prehaja v materialni svet. Kdo ima v današnjem kreative polnem svetu sploh še čas za domišljijo? Naši post-mejkerji seveda!
Pred tem se je v sredo 23. maja 2018 zgodila otvoritev Luknje, v soboto 26. maja 2018 je družina stopila med ljudi in se udeležila sejma Ljubljana MiniMakerFaire, ki je potekal na ploščadi pri Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani (https://ljubljana.makerfaire.com), v nedeljo se je zgodil eksces o katerem se le potiho govori. Omenimo le flagelantsko obnašanje – po domače: bičanje s hudičevim repom. Samokaznovanje?
Desetdnevna nanizanka o finski družini Koelse:
A Pit of Koelse.
It is 03:10. Back home. Finally. Accordion music plays on the backgroud. Tuomas rests comfortably in a fetus position in the corner of a large leather couch. We are writing his part of the press release. At Cirkulacija 2, we have nondescript piles of junk spreading through the space like a disease. Proper granite is hard to find. In Finland we at least had rocks. One day into the process, and it is already this great. Wednesday will be something out of this world.
Otto: I do not know why I started this project. I do not have a clear, or even unclear idea what we are doing, or why. Your transcendence is our goal.
Antti: Hi! I am Antti from Koelse. I come from Finland. I like confusing social experiments and hanging out naked. I think end will come soon.toukokuuta 22, 2018 The pit is growing
Our yesterday’s press release was quite silly. Now we are in better mental state, but unfortunately nobody asked for a press release. It is 02:04. Tuomas lies on the couch in manner familiar from shock patient treatment, legs raised and knees bent. Accordion music plays on tv. Everything here seems to be playing on repeat. Except curry was cold today. The level of despair has decreased. Trash piles are slowly turning into cathedrals. Horst Knaut detector is ready and fully calibrated. We already have some kind of idea what we will do. But why? Hopefully somebody will come and tell us. Are we heading towards something completely new, or are we simply lost?
Tuomas: Shouldn’t oracle be independent?
Boštjan: In old Greece oracle was a virgin.
toukokuuta 23, 2018 The pit was successfully opened
According music is playing in front of us. It is 02:16. Somehow, Tomi managed to get a wonderful pink passport and board the plane. If you have not got any sleep, it is difficult to concentrate on anything else but the insides of your eyelids. Unfortunately, instead of couch, Antti chose bed as his sleeping spot, so we can not comment on his sleeping position.
Stefan was wrong when he said that no Slovene is going to come to sauna with us. Quite many of our guests tried it out. Some even wanted to be locked up in a metal box. Electric shocks, whipping, all the weird things we are perversely attracted to, everything went through. What are you doing after the orgy?
toukokuuta 24, 2018 Fish, horse and telepathy
03:15. Accordion music plays on television. Long day that required long planning. We did not manage to catch the fish today, despite two reminders from the print shop. They closed already at 16:00. We were not that fast. We had the first day of the exhibition, almost broke the Cirkulacija 2 record for the most visitors in a day. Sauna was warm and everything was nice and we found a new wine granny room. We argued about the role of telepathy and made plans for future developments in the field. Exploration of ruins and the horse art scene. Un/fortunately the horse totem was both found and lost in the ruins.
toukokuuta 25, 2018 A visitor
It is 03:30. We have lost the accordion music channels. Antti has fallen asleep, half dressed, half undressed. The lost horse was rescued from the flies. And we finally got the fish. We tried to build some more things for tomorrow’s fair, but nothing was finished. But we meditated by the Pit. We had a visitor today, so we had to set up the show, and we are very close to breaking the record. Pizza from the sauna was delicious. We should be back in 8 hours. Hope is vain.
toukokuuta 26, 2018 Horse in a dream machine
It is 03:10. The world is shaking: rap music is playing in the television. Antti and Tomi are both asleep on large leather couch. Today, we were on the maker faire. The amount of 3D printers we saw has drained us. There was no other food than macaroni and frozen vegetables. But at least we have discovered an ability to be invisible to the typical Maker Faire visitor. No exploration today, only the Cirkulacija 2 vortex and baby water baths.
Okvir razstave/ situacije je tehno-religiozen. Med obvezne finske rituale sodi savna. Med pripomočki za dosego višjih (nižjih?) dušnih stanj pa bodo tudi naslednji sklopi naprav: “dream machines”, “symbolic machines”, itd. Zgodovina prvih desetletij tehnološkega razvoja (19. stoletje) je polna naprav, ki naj bi merile ali vplivale na človeška psihosomatska stanja. Ni čisto jasno, kako so te naprave delovale, saj so pogosto delovale tudi, če niso bile prižgane. Koelse v prihodnosti načrtujejo muzej takšnih paranormalnih naprav.
Koelse je postmedijska in postdisciplinarna skupina iz Helsinkov/ Finska – kolektiv za eksperimentalno elektroniko. Po skromni samodefiniciji je skupina navdušencev nad eksperimentiranjem. Zbirajo različne stare aparate in jih preurejajo v zvočne naprave. S temi napravami odigrajo koncert, zgradijo instalacije in učijo druge, kako delati podobne stvari. S projekti, ki so lahko v obliki performensov, instalacij, koncertov ali delavnic je skupina Koelse od leta 2002 gostovala vsepovsod po Evropi – v galerijah in muzejih – pa tudi po smetiščih in skvotih.
Finski gostje so zelo naklonjeni odprtokodnim principom, ki jih sugerirajo in aplicirajo tudi na druga polja medčloveških dejavnosti – še posebej: delo. Njihov pristop je vedno tudi „hekerstvo“ na živem telesu družbe. Njihovi umetniški izrazi segajo od okroglih miz, performensov, delavnic, aktivističnih pristopov: organiziranja kolektivov in dejavnosti, instalacij in koncertov.
Gostujoči: Antti Ahonen,Otto Urpelainen, Tuomas Häkkinen in Tomi Flink.
Sodelujoči na strani Cirkulacije 2: Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski, Monika Pocrnjić, Alessandro Di Giampietro in Boštjan Leskovšek.
Gostovanje Koelse v Ljubljani je del dvosmerne izmenjave med dvema kolektivoma. Pri ljubljanskem delu bo poudarek na predstavitvi dela in del finskih umetnikov. Predvidevamo navezave sodelovanj, ki so bodo lahko začela znotraj ljubljanskega dela in se v vmesnem času razvila in udejanjila na gostovanju Cirkulacije 2 na festivalu Pixelache na Finskem v oktobru 2018. Pixelache je sicer eden od najbolj znanih novomedijskih festivalov v Evropi.