Exodos: C2 v Helsinkih / Finska
Published on October 22nd, 2018Med 13. in 21. oktobrom 2018 je potekalo gostovanje Cirkulacije 2 na letošnjem decentraliziranem festivalu Pixelache v Helsinkih / Finska. Na skupnem kampiranju (t.i. “post-maker camp-u”) s skupino Koelse v nekdanjem domu za ostarele na finskem podeželju smo utelesili post-mejkersko realnost tega trenutka.
Člani Cirkulacije 2 (Borut Savski, Stefan Doepner, Boštjan Leskovšek) so predstavili svoj nabor naprav in objektov. S svojo pojavnostjo (v nekdanjem domu za ostarele občane?) so se simbolno vmestili v “post-” trenutek, ki smo ga na kempu očitno obhajali.
Kaj sploh je post-mejkersko? Oznaka prihaja s strani gostitelja Koelse, ki je finska skupina za eksperimentalno elektroniko. Definicija je stvar debate. Ne tiče se le estetike (estetike bivanja/ lifestyle-a?), ampak tudi sociologije prekarne ekonomije: čemu služi v post-post-industrijskem svetu delo – pogosto brez plačila, brez naročnika? A zanimivo: ne brez veselja! (Kje se konča “life” in začne “lifestyle”/ hipsterstvo? Kaj sploh je “lifestyle”? Lifestyle je marketinški termin/ ekonomska kategorija, ki je z nami že desetletja, in pomeni predvidljivo zadovoljevanje potreb nišnih skupin konzumentov. Razširitev uniformne ponudbe visokorazvite industrijske proizvodnje in tržne ekonomije petdesetih in šestdesetih let 20. stoletja na večje število konzumentov. Potrebujete roza avto? Počitnice sredi zime? Ni problema, le stalo bo malo več. Niste zadovoljni s svojim lifestylom? Pa ga spremenite. Na voljo imamo vsakodnevno popoldansko jogo – v skrajnem primeru lahko poskusite tudi veganstvo. Kriv nos, gube? Wanna feel a little bit adventourous? Have a tattoo!).
Koncept Robotanike kot „kibernetskega rajskega vrta“ smo ohranili, ker je naslov trendovsko privlačen in sugerira nadaljne ukvarjanje s tehnologijo kot religijo: tehno-religijo. Pri tem sta obe strani zanimivi: tako tehnofilija kot tehnofobija.
Če je bil podnaslov prvega dela Robotanike svetopisemski Genesis (“rojstvo sveta”) je primerno nadaljevanje tudi Exodos (“izgon/ beg”). Ah da, ne pozabimo: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS gostovanja ni podprlo!
The fetishisation of doing. Fetišizacija početja.
We see a clear need to address this topic explicitly.
Zanimivo: početje pomensko sugerira tudi spočetje, začetek. Da: celo ustvarjanje (v današnjem času birokratsko politično ekspandiran pomen – z vso povezano inflacijo taistega…). Genezo.
To find answers, two exchanges called Post Maker Camps organized by Cirkulacija 2, Pixelache and Koelse have retreated for development and discussion of the theme. The process floats between audio-spatial immersion, paranormal technology, sequencer music and fish god worship.
The first camp was held in May 2018 in Ljubljana, while the second part took place in the Future Lake centre in Vihti. A group of eleven participants have collided their skills, interests and personalities during a week in the secluded Future Lake. These parts have already started to lose their individual existence and fuse into an organism with an identity of its own.
At this point of the camp, we can say, that the organism very definitely is doing something. The individuality of each constituent part has dissolved, however, I, writing this text from inside the still immature organism, am unable to comprehend the essence of the connections. (Otto)
The results of the Vihti camp were brought to club Merikerho in Helsinki on Saturday, 20th October 2018, and presented under the title of “Post Maker Organism”.
The organism were:
Borut Savski
Antti Ahonen
Otto Urpelainen
Stefan Doepner
Aku Seppälä
Christiana Bissett
Tuomas Häkkinen
Saša Nemec
Kinga Kozłowska
Boštjan Leskovšek
Andrew Paterson
Potentiality of doing. Potentiality of being. Potentiality of things.
As believers in “emergence” principle we must believe in potentiality. Things can emerge – but may/ might not. Or not in the predicted form. Older similar term might be “improvisation”, or even “chaos” – but all these principles have been effectively put “under control” by the (niche) aesthetics (“jazz”, “fractals”) in the seventies – in about the same time as the introduction of niche consumer markets.
In the world of consume there is no need for any other identities but lifestyles. Nothing is important/ real (or unreal). Simplification of the person to the level of consumer is total. The world of humanism & social-democracy & human rights is reduced to your potential as a buyer. In Helsinki there is a street where homeless people drink themselves off social money – to be frozen in the night. Smokers are the Jews of today. Immigrants are lesser people. Ljubljana is no different. Being poor is not a social status – it is a lifestyle. Suicidal tendencies is not just a band.
What is the future of work?
Photo: Boštjan Leskovšek