Špica Ljubljana: Alessandro Di Giampietro – Thinga Things | Stvari
Published on June 20th, 2018Feel invited to visit the living room/ shabby ship container at Špica/ Prule Ljubljana, actively open from 21st to 30th June 2018.
Alessandro Di Giampietro – Thinga Things
“introducing chaos and uncertainty”
(part of “Whatever you think I am -> that is what I am not” project by the artist)
public space production – Špica Prule in Ljubljana/ Slovenia
At the beautiful location of Špica the artist created a temporary place of meeting and socializing – a kind of public living room – the start point for interpersonal relations space creation. But not entirely normal living room. Every object in the room is an artistic creation. Active part of such setting are the curious visitors. Living room will be open daily. At later hours the exhibition program will include small concerts, performances, etc.
The living room and the near surrounding will be inhabited by the objects of: Radek Brousil (Prague/CZ, SK), Marta Pierobon (Milano/IT), Fawn Krieger (NY/USA), Giovanni De Francesco (Milano/IT), Radharani Pernarčič (SI), Antonio Barletta (Milano/IT), Sabine Delafon/Marios (Pariz, Milano/IT), Doepner/Leskovšek (SI), David Casini, Laura Santamaria.
Evening events:
– Thursday, 21. june 2018 from 20.00 to 22.00: Opening of Exhibition (with chilly sounds of Boštjan Leskovšek)
– Saturday, 23. june 2018 from 21.00 to 22.00: Gino Lucente (Milano / IT) concert “Stop emotions” (psychedelic music)
– Tuesday, 26. june 2018:
from 20.00 to 21.00: Boštjan Leskovšek – “CHA CHA CHA”, loopfield recording with Koma Electronics (sound performance)
from 21.00 to 22.00: BALANS in concert (LoFi rock, Kraut pop)
– Saturday, 30. june 2018 from 21.00 to 22.00: Panna and Alte lezbische kunst
Every evening from 21. to 26. june – at sunset: “Goodbye Dear” QI Gong practice by Radharani Pernarčič (in “Outfit” by Fawn Krieger).
Latest photodocumentation at https://www.instagram.com/thinga_things/
Alessandro Di Giampietro: “Contemporary art has never been so remote from the majority of people and seems to be focused to a handful of chosen ones”. Di Giampietro is interested in art that can be used by everyone – art as the concept of common. Bringing the art closer to everyone is via the idea of expanding the intimacy of individual’s home living room to a common living room. The project is for the inhabitants of Ljubljana and the tourists alike – as a very special aesthetic point in the city.
Alessandro Di Giampietro se pri svojem umetniškem delovanju ukvarja s fotografijo, video inštalacijami in performansi, pri čemer ruši konvencionalne pripovedne oblike ter zidove med realnostjo in fikcijo. V kontekstu eklektičnega, šaljivega in navidezno minljivega izražanja ustvarja bizarne in skrivnostne situacije, v katerih realnost postane negotovost, negotovost pa se zlije z realnostjo. Njegovo delo, pa naj gre za fotografije ali video inštalacije, je v svojem bistvu vizualna kakofonija podob in živih barv, ki so igrive, a obenem predrzne in moteče. Vsa svoja dela realizira z amatersko opremo, vsakdanjimi napravami, kot npr. pametnimi telefoni. Celotno delo je neke vrste osvobodilni ritual, v katerem so družbene norme in zunanje podobe potisnjene ob rob, izpod mask pa privrejo skrivni vzgibi. Pošasti, ki živijo v Alessandrovih stvaritvah, se nenehno kopičijo in rastejo v organizem, ki se širi iz realnosti v fotografijo, video ali na internet.
Co-produced by the participating artists, Cirkulacija 2 and in collaboration with Kud Obrat. Supported by the city of Ljubljana.