Agustina De Vera: Čustveno avdio-vizualni zemljevid :: sledi potovanja v Slovenijo
Published on September 9th, 2023Petek, 15th september 2023 at 18.00; Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass, Ljubljana:
Agustina De Vera
An affective audio-visual map: vestiges of a trip to Slovenia
Exhibition, presentation and talk with Agustina De Vera
This activity will consist of a mediated exhibition of the creative evolution of Agustina De Vera, Uruguayan artist and researcher participating in the artist-in-residency programme “Branislava Susnik” 2023 (Medvode, Slovenia). This exhibition is offered as an open and reflexive cartography of the topics that Agustina explores in her audiovisual works, driven by the possibilities of non-linear and non-directly representational intersections between the visuals, the sound and the word. Her aesthetics are influenced by experimental cinema and video art.
By mediating the exhibition through her voice and narratives, Agustina will also share the reasons why she is in Slovenia and the creative process triggered by her stay in the country. Thanks to the project developed for the AIR Branislava Susnik 2023, Agustina activated her work on collective film letters, and at the same time she is developing a written and audiovisual diary in which she carries out an experimental auto-ethnography that recovers her experience as a foreigner, researcher, artist and cultural correspondent.
At the event, Agustina will open and share her creative process, the core of her experience in Uruguay and of her brief stay in Slovenia, as putting in front of us and herself a series of mirrors in order to know what are the reflections that cross the field of art and culture in Ljubljana and its surroundings. In this way, we may find resonances, shared or dissonant reflections and new questions among the people attending the activity.
Agustina De Vera
If the creative process begins with a question related to desire, in Agustina’s case, it is a question about the conditions of images within the cinematographic language, and the possible lines of escape that can be traced. Her work explores this tension: the law and the exception within the cinematographic language; its possible vanishing lines. From the inter- and trans-disciplinary perspectives, she works in the fields of education, academia, and artistic creation in audiovisual media, reflecting about the normativity imposed by cinematographic models, the Eurocentric gaze, the violence that crosses its forms of production, and some possible alternatives to these models.
She has a Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences of Uruguay and a Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Languages and Media from the Faculty of Arts of the University of the Republic of Uruguay. She carries out actions related to research, teaching and the development of film and audiovisuals.
About the Branislava Sušnik residency program
The Humanistic Residence of Branislava Sušnik is a project that was created within the framework of the international collective research portal of the Branislava Sušnik Residence, and is intended for the study, translation and dissemination of the knowledge and work of the Slovenian-Paraguayan anthropologist Branislava Sušnik, born in Medvode. As part of the program, once a year we announce a residency for Spanish-speaking female researchers and/or artists who want to carry out a research project related to Branislava Sušnik and/or her birthplace. The project is supported by the municipality of Medvode.
→ @branislavasusnik
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