Alessandro Di Giampietro – “Assist” | “Pomagalo” – Iconography of a Hug
Published on August 29th, 2020Monday, 7th September 2020 at 21.00: a multiplexed event / a necessary hug that Alessandro Di Giampietro offers to the humanity. Assisted with a group of artists.
Alessandro Di Giampietro – “Assist“ – Iconography of a Hug
“The Icon is painted on light,
light is painted with gold”
(P. Florenskij)
The ancient icons reflect the suffering and deeds of people, linked to specific historical phenomena and events, revealing the inner world, purity and nobility of mind.
In this age of social distancing “Assist”, as a symbol of a contemporary iconography, represents the warmth of a HUG that Alessandro di Giampietro gives to humanity.
Presentation/ performance is assisted by frequent Cirkulacija 2 residents: electric guitarist Gino Lucente, special guest Vida Voyage and local residents Boštjan Leskovšek and Borut Savski.
Links and related Cirkulacija 2 productions from the recent years (with sound archives):
Alessandro Di Giampietro
Homepage ->
Instagram ->
Alessandro Di Giampietro – Thinga Things | Špica Ljubljana / C2 2018 ->
Alessandro Di Giampietro – Whatever you think I am that is what i’m not / C2 2017 ->
Gino Lucente
Domača stran ->
Gino Lucente – Sagra / C2 2019 ->
Gino Lucente na Thinga Things (Alessandro Di Giampietro; Špica Ljubljana) / C2 2018 ->
Vida Voyage
New weird ass pop vibe, it’s all here! ->
Vida Vojić – Sen novih zgodb / C2 2019 ->
Vida Vojić – Poezija, zvok in glas / C2 2018 ->
Nova londonska scena | Specimens, JC Leisure, Vida Vojić, Joe Summers / C2 2018 ->
Attention: Vida Voyage will be presenting her first album and collection of poems book on 22nd september 2020 at Cirkulaciji 2!
The etymological meaning of Icon refers to the idea of apparition in which the gold that reflects it is in close connection with the mystery of the solar spectrum. This divine color, in iconographic art, has a specific name – that of Assist. The Icon is not a painting, it is a sacred object, a miraculous object. The figures described must not delight the eye, the appearance must never be beautiful in the common sense of the term, it must move away from the human aspect.
The golden structure determined by a central semi-sphere representing divine illumination and framed by a screen, refers to the small sanctuary adorned with icons and candles which refers to the domestic dimension and personal contemplation of the Byzantine icon and which is often called “Beautiful or precious corner”. A protective shell, a golden cocoon, a secret casket that will envelop all those who participate in the ritual of sharing a special moment.
The most striking feature of the Byzantine icons is perhaps that which takes the name of “inverse perspective”, in which the lines of force are directed in one or more centers located in front and outside of the icon itself, in the direction of the beholder . In the artist’s gilded installation, the concept of inverse perspective is represented by the human figure moving within it in the alchemical ritual of preparing a single drink to offer to the guests, as a moment of respite to suffering and place in to find some quiet and comfort.
From this principle, the desire of Alessandro di Giampietro to abstract the concept of icon in an installation that is free of references to religious images in respect of the sacredness of the same but, above all, that legitimizes the theories of Florensky and the Platonic metaphysics of the beautiful as light and splendor of the idea. In Florensky, the Platonic idea takes on the original character of a light that refers to a “living gaze”, to the “gaze of a person”, to all those looks that, for the artist, will give life to his work.
/text by Laura Fonovich/
18th Augut 2020:
21st August 2020
31st August 2020
4. september 2020