Expanded Cirkulacija at Alkatraz – wrapping up
Published on May 30th, 2010The week is over. Let here come the archives and post thoughts…
Video archive track
The three interventions on the airwaves of Radio Student
Huda ura 24-05-10 od 23.00 do 24.00
(Borut Savski in Reni Hofmueller)
Nočni prenos 26-05-10 od 00.00 do 02.00
( Borut Savski, Marko Košnik, Jurij Krpan, Barbara Borčić, Stefan Doepner in anonimni provokator)
Odprt termin za kulturo 26-05-10 od 21.00 do 22.00
( Borut Savski, Marko Košnik in profesor Andjelković)
A quick resumee:
The week was very exhausting for the core participants but also very succesful. While the first day (Monday) left a lot to be desired, the next days (Tuesday onwards) proved the principle of such events. On the level of personal engagements for the “platform” and also on the level of engagements for the individual projects.
There were thoughts that this last area could have more of artistic output, and this could be an area for further development. However, it is clear that at some point the timeline of predefined artistic interventions leads to a normal festival. There were not as many of direct “in situ” collaborations as predicted. There was no time from the part of the relatively small number of five “core” participants. On the other hand, there were always very good “collective flows” of artistic expressions – in the sense of modular contributions of various layers of the wholesome experience.
The discoursive formats were mainly performed on the airwaves of local Radio Student with the use of audio streaming. They were very intensive. Other discoursive situation would have to be introduced in the future – especially when this radio public outlet will not be available. Live video streaming was impossible because of the narrow bandwidth – open servers (giss.tv) for ogg streaming and flash streaming public solutions were checked out but without success. Instead a quick video remixes were put online (on youtube server) as soon as possible and added to video playlist.
The consourse element of the project (the open call for participation) proved to be a complete disaster: two persons applied – one was Gregor Kamnikar – himself an artist – and the other one was an ex-member of Cirkulacija. The open call was put on the Artservis mailing list sent ot over 2000 addresses and broadcast twice a day for over a week on the airwaves of Radio Student. It was meant primarily for the younger people of various profiles to join in and possibly to continue as participants for this and the future Cirkulacija 2 events. Conclusion? Since all but two of the personally invited younger artists joined with great enthusiasm, it might not be the the problem of Cirkulacija, but the problem of self-motivation on the part of the people who cannot get over the passivity into activity. It might be that the concept of a pre-defined platform is too close/ too specific for the people completely outside “the scene”, or it might be that the concept appeals more to the generation between 40 and 50. However, the platform Cirkulacija 2 is not declared as open – to be changed into any of the traditional forms – it can only go forward.
It was also made clear that the press needs a precise schedule to put the information in their media. Since this format was not part of our concept, we were happy without press announcements. Until this date there were also no journalist reports or critiques. However they were present in large numbers and seemed to understand the main points of the project.
There were also large numbers of other specialists in contemporary art and media fields – artists, curators – so it was again proved that “the scene” exists. This “scene” could be described as the main public. Because of the lively activities at the Metelkova, the crowds were relatively big. Their entry point was mostly the basic “consumation” situation (food), though some of them managed to enter the gallery and observe some of the other foods.
If we compare the situation of the first active week with the situation of the second and third passive exhibition weeks, it is clear that only the active time brings the public into the gallery. Again: a proof of concept of Cirkulacija 2.
And to finish with the newest equation/ slogan: the platform is the art piece …
photos by Neven, thumb Maja, Boštjan, Reni, Ksenija