Total art platform at MFRU 2011
Published on November 7th, 2011EXPANDED CIRKULACIJA 2 at MFRU & KIBLIX 2011 festival
Total Art Platform – Metaphor of public space
Maribor – from 18.11. to 23.11. evenings – 11.00 to 23.00 (“when nights come…”)
Base station – Cultural incubator MKC
Light (photo) – sound attacks in so-called public space. Why so-called? (look below)
Expanded Cirkulacija 2 has relativelly successfully established the base camp at Cultural incubator at 2000 Maribor. IN zthe next days we will take the main squares: Glavni trg, Dvorni trg and Trg Leona Štuklja – and under-the-Tito-bridge/ Kolosej.
1. Stefan Doepner, Nem?ija, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
2. Lars Vaupel, Nem?ija – 18th to 23rd
3. Boštjan Leskovšek, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
4. Neven Korda, Slovenija – 18th to 21st
5. Borut Savski, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
6. Boštjan ?adež, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
7. Slavko Glamo?anin, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
8. Jakob Hariš, Slovenija – 18th to 23rd
For video footages look on the right for Cirkulacija TV >>>>
19.11.2011-23.11.2011: Cirkulacija @ MFRU 2011 in Maribor/Slovenia. Photos by Boštjan Leskovšek, Stefan Doepner et al.
1.11.2011-18.11.2011: preparations of Cirkulacija @ MFRU 2011 in Maribor/Slovenia. Photos by Boštjan Leskovšek, Stefan Doepner
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Public Space and the Metaphor of public space
Basic activity of Cirkulacija 2 participation at MFRU 2011 will be multiple actions in public space – the direct use of streets and buildings for a sort of artistic message. The artistic message has been for quite some time not only aestethic – the visual image – but ever more ethical –so: the truth – which on the other hand has historically always been a part of the wholesome artistic expression. The “truth” and the very related “the just” seem to be based in some other field of human activities – the social struggle and politics – but have also been for some time now pushed to artistic situation – the isolated spaces of art galleries. When this isolation was found to be restricting, the need to move out emerged – in other words: back to free space. But, is the free space free at all?
Fil rouge of the evening public actions of Cirkulacija 2 participants will be the effective – mainly light – interventions into public (urban) space. Not directly political interventions, but far from apolitical – we could say: the civic, as is civic any self-organisation of individuals in a group with the aim of common public activities and expression of their interests. Of course, one collides with the private space and – in the case of public institutions – with privatized public space.
On metaphoric level the public space is a space that does not want to be just a space of individual but a space of collective, and denotes a number of principles that have been used for some time now, but maybe nbot fully understood: do-it-yourself; DIY), open-source-code,… the last one having a broader understanding as open codex – so: the participation at the level of building up the signatures, the laws, etc. The civil society has been in the last decades instrumentalized form the part of beaurocratic international humanitarian organisations and does almost not happen in a self-organised civic manner. Understanding of the world has been totally relativized and atomized under the leadership of expert institutions – the very basic principles that apply to every citizen have been made relative, meaningless and non-transparent. From this soup of non-transparency and meaninglessness the old ideologies of the past peek out – as examples of simple absolute truths. Religions and nationalisms. To confront the pasivization of the masses, the small groups of individuals can only propose the active public stand. Therefore the public actions of artists – performed in a much different way than the historically differently determined political activists do it.
Expanded Cirkulacija 2 is loosely connected group of individuals with their own artistic expressions, that within the Total art events in the years of 2010 to 2013 perform three yearly week-long events with the purpose to create art that is alive. As such it is not based on the exhibition programs of galleries but on active participation of strong group of creative individuals, that can immediately explain the aims and solutions that they use. For any kind of successful evolution in time and adaptation to local spaces the purpose and artistic approaches are constantly under debate. Art work as object of art is the result of participatory work of artists present. So: the Platform is the Art piece.