dvojna Friforma: WERCKMEISTER kvartet + Mladi Raziskovalci – kvartet

Published on November 4th, 2023

Friday, 10. november 2023, at 19.00 to 22.00Cirkulacija², Ajdovščina underpass, Ljubljana


The foundation stone for the WERCKMEISTER quartet was laid by Markus Eichenberger and Carl Ludwig Hübsch, who met for the first time at the Human Noise Congress in Wiesbaden in 1994. Since then, they have collaborated in several projects, such as Eichenberger’s Domino Orchestra or Hübsch’s Ensemble X. In March 2016, together with Philip Zoubek – a versatile young pianist with a sharp musical ear – and the promising percussionist Etienne Nillesen on an electronic synthesizer –, they founded the Werckmeister quartet. The types of instruments in the quartet could hardly be more varied but when played in harmony the differences fade into a distinctly tonal, sensitive and sensual music. It opens the listener’s ears to an unusual variety of tuning systems and, familiar in improvised music, temperaments. The name Werckmeister refers to the German Baroque musician and music theorist Andreas Werckmeister, who published his book Musicalische Temperatur (Musical Temperament) in 1691, paving the way for a new system of instrument tuning. This unique and unusual quartet will be presented in Slovenia for the first time.

· Markus Eichenberger – clarinets
· Carl Ludwig Hübsch – tuba
· Philip Zoubek – synthesizer
· Etienne Nillesen – extended snare drum

MARKUS EICHENBERGER (1956) has been working since 1977 as a clarinettist and partly as a saxophonist in various groups and projects almost exclusively in the field of free improvised music. His musical work has been supported by the City and Canton of Zurich, the Aargau Administrative Board, Pro Helvetia and numerous foundations. He has received several awards: the WDR “Forum Junger Composers” Award (1992), the Cultural Award of the Kiwanis Foundation (1998), a composition commissioned by the Pro Helvetia Foundation for DOMINO (2000), the Cultural Award of the Association for Economy and Culture, Willisau (2004) and the Covid-19 Working Grant from the City of Zurich (2021). / https://eichenberger.li

CARL LUDWIG HÜBSCH (1966) started his musical career in his native Freiburg as a clarinettist in a local pleh band. After a punk-rocker period playing drums, he discovered jazz and free improvisation, which led him to study improvisation with M. A. Fataah. He completed his studies in singing, theory and drumming at the Freiburg Pedagogical University. He also studied electronic music with Prof. Klaus Weinhold. In Cologne he studied as a visiting student with composer Johannes Fritsch. When he moved to Cologne in 1990 he received a lifetime university scholarship. Hübsch’s playing focuses on improvised and contemporary composed music. He composes and performs music himself in concert halls, studios and theatres, and plays with ensembles and orchestras. The acclaimed tuba player has been awarded residencies in the USA, Austria and Switzerland, won the Jazzpott Award Essen (2003), SWR Newjazz Meeting (2012), and was a composer at the Welttheater Einsiedeln (2013). He has collaborated on more than 65 soundtracks. / https://www.huebsch.me

PHILIP ZOUBEK (1978), born in Tulln, Austria, lives and works as a pianist and composer in Cologne. Since 1996 he has studied jazz piano with Reinhard Mick in Vienna. In 2002 he moved to Cologne, where he studied jazz piano with Hans Lüdemann. In 2008 he was awarded the Horst and Gretl Will Scholarship of the City of Cologne. Zoubek has collaborated with Frank Gratkowski, Wilbert de Joode, Thomas Lehne, Clayton Thomas and Paul Lytton, to mention just a few notable names. He has performed at the Konzerthaus Wien, the Luxembourg Philharmonic, the Moersfestival, the Ullrichsberger Kaleidophon and the GetItLouder Festival in Shanghai and Beijing. Zoubek is a founding member of the Kölner Kollektiv for Improvisation and Musical Art. In 2020, he was awarded the prestigious WDR Jazz Prize for his composition. / https://philipzoubek.com

ETIENNE NILLESEN is a percussionist and composer from the Netherlands, currently based in Cologne. The drum is a central part of Nillesen’s artistic practice. Using an instrumental and physical approach, he explores and breaks the boundaries of the natural acoustics of the snare drum with conventional and extended playing techniques. His work incorporates elements of conceptual and spontaneous composition, structured improvisation, performance and sound art. He has appeared as composer and performer on over thirty albums of new music, improvised music and jazz. His interest in different forms of exploratory music has allowed him to work regularly with some of the most renowned artists in music and with Ensemble Modern.He is currently a professor at ArtEZ University of the Arts in the Netherlands, where he teaches drums and improvised music. / https://etiennenillesen.com


Young Researchers VI.: DOMEN KUŽNAR – +Disposition (SLO)

The Young Researchers series of residencies, concerts and performances is designed to guide the integration of a selected artist of a younger generation into professional infrastructural and research environments. In 2023, one of the artists in residence is violist Domen Kužnar, who will present his project entitled +Disposition. In 2023, the ensemble presents an opus of new works, created and developed in the context of multi-day residencies and performances. The artist-in-residence has asked questions such as: “What is structure in composition and what are its realisations in music? How do various specificities such as subject matter, message, creativity or meaning inform, compose, modify, build upon the structure itself and contribute to the development of composition and, consequently, music? How does this affect the understanding and perception of music?” Young Researchers is a programme of the Institution .abeceda. The upcoming concert will be the fourth of the season for the ensemble.

· Miha Sever – upright piano
· Anja Kralj – violin
· Manica Slapšak – viola
· Domen Kužnar – viola

DOMEN KUŽNAR (1998) is a violist and composer. He is currently studying viola at the Academy of Music at the University of Ljubljana with Prof. Maja Rome. As part of the Erasmus+ exchange, he studied at the Icelandic University of the Arts with Professors Þórunn Ósk Marínósdóttir and Svavi Bernharðsdóttir. During his studies he focuses on technical improvement and expressiveness on the instrument, and is particularly interested in the repertoire of contemporary and new music. He is a member of Transposition String Quartet+ and the ensemble .abeceda [ensemble for new music]. His mentors include Nabuko Imao, Emile Cantor, Peter Barszony, Garth Knox, Atar Arad, Vincent Royer, Helfried Fister and Dré A. Hočevar.

ANJA KRALJ started violin lessons at the age of5. After finishing junior music school, she enrolled at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana, where she graduated under the tutelage of Prof. Žiga Branko. She is now studying at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana with Prof. Gorjan Košuta. She regularly participates in competitions at national and international level and performs as a soloist and member of the Perpetuum String Quartet in solo recitals. She is also interested in contemporary and folk music. She explores the former through joint music-making with saxophonist Vida Piko Vatovec, in Duo Bob, and the primordiality and simplicity of music with the Academic Folklore Group France Marolt.

MANICA SLAPŠAK (2000) began her musical career at the age of 12 playing the violin, and after three years she met the viola for the first time. After graduating from the Secondary Music School in viola at the art direction of the I. High School in Celje, she enrolled at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, where she studies in the class of doc Maja Rome. She is a member of the Perpetuum String Quartet and the Krklec String Quartet. She regularly participates in various orchestras – Ensemble Dissonance, Amadeo Orchestra and SMO, and as a substitute also with the RTV Slovenian Symphony Orchestra and various occasional ensembles. During her studies she attended masterclasses with teachers such as Nobuko Imai, Emile Samama Cantor, Maja Rome, Halfried Fister and Volodja Balzalorsky.

MIHA SEVER (1998) is currently a second year student of Geography and Slovenian Studies. He is active in the fields of proofreading, editing, censorship, teaching, language technology, etc. He started his musical career o piano in Monika Höfler’s class at the Franca Šturm High School. After completing eight grade, he continued on keyboards in various high school and student rock/jazz bands. As a choir singer, he is active in the St. Stanislaus Student Choir and the vocal group Laulu.

Production: KUD Mreža / FriForma, Ljubljana; programme curated by Nataša Serec & László Juhász
Co-production: Institution ON Rizom, Ljubljana & Institution .abeceda, Ljubljana
Graphic design: Urša Rahne
FriForma concert series is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia & MOL – Department of Culture
Special thanks to ProHelvetia Swiss Arts Council & Aargauer Kuratorium

Events so-far:

2024 [disrupcija] Derganc Filipčič: Dr. Kegler / poldrugi drugi del + [ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN + [v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN + O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik + Daniel Leber – PSYCHO SOMA + Vida Vojić :: DRUGAČEN GROOVE JE MOŽEN! [s kolegi poeti…] + [vnebovzetje] Umetnost je poletna pisarna + WILHELM GROENER: 33 SKIZZEN_Cirkulacije 2 + Radart #15: Raz(n)čaranje + avObrat: praznovanje mednarodnega dneva glaaazvoka + SUMISH IN ATSUKO PLEŠETA … + MILOST + Benefit za Boštjana Leskovška – pionirja umetnosti zvoka in poezije po pošti + [multimedijska postavitev] Urška Savič: Teritoriji vračanja + OTS(Organsko Tehnološki Skupek) avtorjev: Mirica Ačko, Liza Šimenc in Q700-UPM + ℕiaℕsa in FriFormaAV: Ka Baird (ZDA)+ OKA (SLO) + Tomaž Kolarič: DIALOŠKOST IN EMPATIČNOST / pregledna razstava + Glitch trigger#1 + Rastišče + [na praznik kulture] Niko Novak – Poslednji med velikimi croonerji | Last of the big crooners + [last minute] vrhunski avdio-vizualni duo MSℍℝ (ZDA) v ŽIVO z MASℍ MAℕIF OLD + [Diskurzor 004] Konzervacija+restavracija v okviru Cirkulacije 2 + 2023 Vesele praznike in pogumen vstop v leto 2024 + ART-MUS: Sejem umetnin in praznik umetniškega izraza! + Aphra Tesla, Stefan Doepner archAngel Incorporated / 8 duš + VIDEOPISMA / Henrike von Dewitz in Simon Svetlik + [sreda] Prepared Surroundings 2023: 15. mednarodni festival eksperimentalnega zvoka + [torek CoFestival] Kolektiv NDA Hrvaška: Predstava, ki nastaja + Translacija | Traslación: Rdeče niti #Cirkulacija 2 + dvojna Friforma: WERCKMEISTER kvartet + Mladi Raziskovalci – kvartet + Osnovni delci Cirkulacije 2 na festivalu IZIS Koper + [interview] “Cirkulacija 2: The space we share” + Agustina De Vera: Čustveno avdio-vizualni zemljevid :: sledi potovanja v Slovenijo + Tom Winkler :: Stròj1 strôja m (ȍ ó) + [Jazzz klub Mezzoforte] ZORAN ŠĆEKIĆ koncert mikrotonalne glasbe + Ne-festival: KRIK :: PRVI GLAS + Vida Vojić :: PATTERNS LEAD ME HERE + [synthi delavnica] Alwin Weber “NoiseToys – not just for boys!” + Neža Knez in Tin Dožić “PARALELNA PRETAKANJA” + THE ANGEL’S SHARE / Del gre za angelce + Domišljija se razmahne, ko je zunaj slabo vreme | Imagination emerges into weathering + RAM RAM mozaična predstava [zadnji ponovitvi] + Colin Black in Stefan Doepner: The Transmittal Hearing + FAUST : : OBNOVA = večmedijski performens + Excuses Izgovori + KRAČA :: Tatiana Kocmur in Marta Fakuch + [3x v tednu] RAM RAM mozaična predstava + [popopraznična] Pogojna aritmija (z ali brez) + RADART # 14: SONOR(N)OST | tudi v Cirkulaciji 2 + CLOCKWORK VOLTAGE – Patch from Scratch + Francisco Tomsich – Borut Savski = Poletne pesmi | Summer Songs + [8. marec] Anita Wach / 30 Stavkov (Končna rešitev in Boj z duhovi) + VELIKI BENEFIT za Cirkulacijo + Goran Tomčić – “Pompom Nets – Ljubljana” = participatorna umetnost + [fotozvočna instalacija] P L A T E AU R E S I D U E: Zaslonke v pokrajini + [sluhodvod] Tu živijo vsi / Everybody Lives Here – The Third Guy + Stijn Demeulenaere + 2022 [Studio 8.1] Get Together — Dogodek št. 4 – Tobija Hudnik + D•still by Miha Godec / intermedijska instalacija + [veseli december] art-MUS: sejem umetnin v C2 + [skejterji only] “Pet let na svet; hlače spet” = pet za pet v petek + Tjaž in Gizmo :: Glasbena miza + Visual(s) Edition + [Via Negativa vabi] GLASS ILLKA / na predvečer referendumskega dne + Studio 8.1 – Jan Kopač – Vignettes + Fukuhara Lisk Savski :: Dislociran duh + Radharani Pernarčič – PLESNI VODIČ PO KATALOGU UDOBJA + TZUSSS / Silvan Schmid, Tizia Zimmermann, Urška Savič + Maayan Liebman Sharon – INTIMACY / work in progress + Cirkulacija 2 & Stroj za izboljšanje sveta na PixxelPoint v Novi Gorici + FUCKUPTIMEMACHINE by Vida Vojić + [vabljeni] Studio 8.1 / Jan Kopač – Sin_thesis + BIG BANG vs STRING THEORY / big-bend Cirkulacija 2 + Guionnet | Murayama | Filip :: 3 x 2 = 3? + ŽIVI FOSIL / Tatiana Kocmur, Liza Šimenc + Javno dobro in nestanovitni mediji + Nina Stopar – Rojstvo slike | The Birth of a painting + ME SLIŠIŠ :: mozaični dogodek v Cirkulaciji² + ZAKLONIŠČNI TRIO (Estela Žutić, Keiko Myazaki, Gilles Duvivier) + First Terrace Tour 2022: Sofheso, Specimens, Skip Summers, JC Leisure + FriForma: PASCAL NIGGENKEMPER – La vallée de l’étrange / Dolina čudes + [last minute] Zebracadabra: Z/Apophasis – concertanz + Radio Študent TRESK #13: razstava vizualnih natečajev + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 3 + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 2 + Lapsus-quo / NOTA – Elvis Homan, Boštjan Simon, Liza Šimenc + Studio 8.1: Tobija Hudnik: Get Together, Dogodek št. 1 + Oblak / gibalno-zvočna video kompozicija + Untergrunt poletni jazz festival: Marko Petrušič Petko + Maja Weiss – BELI BOJEVNIK V ČRNI OBLEKI | director’s cut! + KA TO GLEDAŠ / končna razstava študentk in študentov 3. letnika VIST + Neža Zupanc – recital za flavto + Skupni imenovalec | Common Denominator / velika skupinska razstava + FriForma & Cirkulacija 2: Drašlerja in Røysum + Anita Wach: Levica Sredica Pravica & zvočne zgodbe + Draženje očesa // 53. rojstni dan Radia Študent! + Studio 8.1: Jan Kopač + Kasper T Toeplitz: Elemental II & Burning House + Uspavanka za Cirkulacijo št. 2 in druge zvočne zgodbe + KonstruktK3 smo državljani NSK + [neumorna] FriForma: VVU (Violeta García & Javier Areal Veléz) in Primož Sukič + Martina Jurak: Prehajanje : : Cirkulacija 2 + KUD Mreža / FriFormA\V: MRM trio & Lina Rica + Feminizem zavzema mesto! FriFormA\V in Rdeče zore + Prezenca in e-senca akademskega slikarja Dominika Mahniča + [Cirkulacija 2 & FriForma] Dve trobenti: Silvan Schmid & Timothée Quost / dva Seijira: Seijiro Murayama & Jernej Babnik Romaniuk + Emil Memon GRAFFITI finissage! + 2021 beepblip, Tisa Neža Herlec, Lina Rica: Relativna tišina ob zori + Marta Fakuch – Wellness @ C2 + Emil Memon – GRAFFITI + Studio 8.1: Kako živijo ljudje (bonus track) + KUD Obrat: Onkraj 10 let & Stefan Doepner: Humus + Joe Summers: Five New Songs + 1,5 + Diorama: vizualni dialog Tatiane K. in Giampaola P. + Studio 8.1 #4/21 Brina Kren: kako živijo ljudje. + Mladi Raziskovalci IV. – Lenart De Bock – Steps + Tjaž Juvan: NOISTER::C² – cirkus cirkulatio + Dialog 1,5 + Asinhronost / Tatiana Kocmur in Borut Savski + Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec – Brati (kot) telesa + Studio 8.1 #3 + Šum #16 + zapovedujemo: John Duncan – Ž + FriFormA\V: LĪMEN + Festival Re_humanizacija! + Cirkulacija 2 – Stroj za izboljšanje sveta v Celju | World Improvement Machine in Celje | 2. letnik + Elvin Brandhi – FEAR THE FEARLESS | BOJ SE NJIH, KI NE POZNAJO STRAHU + Studio 8.1 — Kako živijo ljudje, 2/21 + Barbara Kapelj – Lastne sobe | Rooms of Their Own -> WOW + Gonko Doepner Organism + Mike Hentz – KROG | CIRCLE => festival! + Zeleni zvoki Umoblodnice + JazzzklubMezzoforte Cirku5lacijA sVOBODNImEDmEDIJSKIjAMsEssION + Studio_8.1 _ Brina Kren _ kako živijo ljudje + Barbara Kapelj – Mesto prihodnosti / urbanistično-gradbena delavnica za najmlajše + Peter & Alexander = how to keep loudness quiet? | kako ohraniti glasnost tiho? + Radharani Pernarčič & Cirkulacija 2: INVAINTIONS OF CASTRO FIK ARKA + abeceda = Young researchers, Basic form and Series Here + Rdeče zore: Ingver in GverilkII + Square meter: RENT + COSTS + Ghosts of the Past resurrected + 2020 Expanded Cirkulacija 2: World Improvement Machine + Covid (hyper)production of Cirkulacija 2 + Neven Korda – SPOMINI NA SEDANJOST + Razglas: Mehatronična delavnica Cirkulacije 2 + Borut Kržišnik DANCING MACHINE (new | neu | nov) album + FriFormA\V: Christine Schörkhuber / Noid (Avstrija) – Razmestitve (zvočne instalacije) + Studio_8.1 _kako živijo ljudje, drugič + Q Hologram 2070: Muzej raznolikosti + Vida Voyage aka Vida Vojić aka lonesome cowboy aka secret agent… + Alessandro Di Giampietro – “Assist” | “Pomagalo” – Iconography of a Hug + /// Polymorphic ritual //// + presentation_performance: Sailor_log: 3rd ocean + post_festum: uvertura festivala A dela? v Cirkulaciji 2 + ČAS BREZ DOTIKA – skupinska razstava + FRIFORMA\AV: NOITU – SCATTER_RADAR + Skladnjin skupek #1: ad-hoc koncert v Cirkulaciji | podhod Ajdovščina + Studio_8.1 _kako živijo ljudje + Stroj za izboljšanje sveta | weltverbesserungmaschine + Tatiana Kocmur | Liza Šimenc – MARY JANE + Francisco Tomsich -> ELEGIJA | ELEGY + Program 2020 + Cirkulacija 2: News from the Crypt + Cirkulacija2GO – like Phoenix! + Cirkulacija 2 uspešno izseljena! Exodos completed! + [izseljevanje] Cirkulacija 2 na prelomu + 2019 [napovedujemo] Javno-zasebno partnerstvo! + Angstblüten II / Timor Flores II + Nikolaus Woernle et al. – MODULAR MONSTER + Elvin Brandhi: Welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year”! + Dre A. Hočevar et al – Verso Doxa / celotedenski intenziv + Terraformer predstavlja: Ž, Neo Cymex in Kikiriki + Robert B. Lisek & Cirkulacija 2: UI za umetnike – AI for artists + Boštjan Čadež: Mr Processor, do you understand life? + B-stran: Lab Irint + Dominik Mahnič – 1/200 + IvAnKe – Outsukisama | performens/ predstava + Rdeča Raketa & Patrick K.-H v Cirkulaciji 2 + Doepner & Summers: Tree harp (or: Just the Tree of Us), first part + Vida Vojić – Dreams of New Narratives + RAZPROSTOR – razstava in večmedijski dogodek + Secret Universe of Noldus + RHIZOMAS /Ryuzo Fukuhara, Tracy Lisk, Stefan Doepner/ + Urška Preis & Kaja Janjić – Razgaljeno + tridnevna kitarska šagra: Gino Lucente – Sagra + Sukitoa O Namau & Joe Summers live + Joe Summers | The Last Of England – live score + Congregation at the castle: Three hundred thousand souls + RADART #10: X/L Experiment: Radio Tovarna + Cirkulacija 2: Cacophonia Cacovisia at Osmoza + ALUO uho in ALUO+C2 praktikum + Program 2019 + 2018 Ne(do)konč(a)no… + “-O-” = Simon Svetlik, Ryuzo Fukuhara in Takatsuna Mukai v C2 + Sound Chambers Series vol. VIII meets C2 + “Bodi Jimi tudi ti!” – delavnica na Gradu Kromberk | Pixxelpoint 2018 + C2 na festivalu Umetnosti in robotike v Trstu | C2 at the Festival of Arte e Robotica in Trieste + Biti aparat | biti umetnik = Roboti risarji + Simpozij Umetnost umetne inteligence | The Art of Artificial Intelligence + Exodos: C2 v Helsinkih / Finska + Jesenski dnevi tečejo | As autumn days go by… + HONEY, CINNAMON, RAISINS AND TIME balletquintet + Večmedijski skupinski dogodek: MED ZVERJO IN NEMOČJO + Anže Sever – Rob + friformA\V / 16.08.2018 / Lina Rica (HR) / Bálint Bolcsó (HU) / Samo Kutin (SI) + Neven Korda – Daj mi mir! + Petek trinajstega: Trije zvočni pari + Vida Vojić: poezija, zvok in glas + Špica Ljubljana: Alessandro Di Giampietro – Thinga Things | Stvari + Jana Jevtović & Engin Can: Teleskopiranje | Telescoping + oOo! 5. oOobletnica poOovezoOovanj v C² + Blind Pilots Calculation + A Pit of Koelse | Luknja Koelse: Sublimacija znoja + Velenje v Ljubljani: Kutwyv + Nova londonska scena | New London underground Specimens, JC Leisure, Vida Vojić, Joe Summers + John Duncan “The TELL” = world premier + In vendar se vrti | Eppur Si Muove + Cirkulacija 2: Program 2018 + Disinformation + Savski in Zone + Alte Lezbiše Kunst; zvočni performans + 2017 Kikiriki in ROR v C2 + Doepner in Savski na Robotics Anteprima v Trstu + Marko Batista – Uspavanka za CIRKULACIJO + Nez Pez // Pez Pushing + Maribor: Ambasada Cirkulacija 2 na MFRU + Stiropor = ekspandirani polistiren + Klaus Filip ::optosonics:: + HuXterlTronik = Dani Bedrač + ::vtol:: = Dmitry Morozov + Peter Rauch: Ponavljanje – samostojna skupinska razstava + Knjiga oglja / DopisovanjeM + Monika Pocrnjić – SVAROG.3 + Ponovni vzpon Poljske kraljice! + Tatsuru Arai – Arkhitek-ton /+\ Tinitus – Ljubezen je hladnejša od smrti + M / DopisovanjeM + Tanja Vujinović – Universal Objects (Explosions, BBFs2, Still Life) + Mešani dvojni trojček | Mixed double triplet = Mike Hentz, Javier Areal Vélez, Strunarja + Derek Holzer – VECTOR SYNTHESIS | VEKTORSKA SINTEZA + OPERA ROBOTANIKKA GENESISI Karl Heinz Jeron + ZASAVJE NOISEFEST v C2/Tobačna/Ljubljana! + Adam Donovan & Katrin Hochschuh: Psychophysics Machines and Swarms + Ewa Justka at Robotanikka: Light = Sound || Zvok=Svetloba? + Robotanika: Genesis + Mini Maker Faire @ C2 Tobačna Ljubljana! + Z.B.Ø.R. (Boštjan Perovšek, Marko Košnik, Borut Savski) + Alessandro Di Giampietro – Whatever you think I am that is what i’m not + Seppo Gruendler in Josef Klammer – Mali pribor | Kleines Besteck + Cirkulacija 2: Program 2017 + Preko vode do svobode v Kinu Šiška + Luka Prinčič: Razpoke vmesnika IF4Q + 2016 Duplerica: Boštjan Čadež “ROJ” in DivinaMimesis “AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ANIMAL” + Simfonija groze. Happy New Fear 2017! + RADART #7: RADAR NAD TOBAČNO + Zaprtje -> Dominik Mahnič – Kosi 2014-2016 + Robotanica at Robotica exhibition in Trieste + slikarska razstava -> Dominik Mahnič | Kosi 2014-2016 + John Duncan v C² ! + Simptomi meta mesta #37: Želja + Anyma na obisku v Cirkulaciji 2 + MC2=Ǝ / gibalna razstava + Neverjetno! 10 let Cirkulacije 2 + Herman & Savski: Vračnica in bali; druga javna vaja + Nina Dragičević: Parallellax release + V nedeljo se dobimo: Na stalnem naslovu najinega početja + Robotanica = C2 does Velenje + Herman & Savski: Vračnica in bali; prva javna vaja! + 3rd august 2016 : Niku Senpuki & Emerge, pavleisdead, Emerge & Neven M. Agalma + Atlas of Tremors v C2 + Zasavje NoiseFest 2016 v C2-labu! + Klima: Nedekadentni koncert? + DekaDANCE + Mike Hentz: Live Art as Research of Culture and Life + Announcing: Clime, decadence, human|machine + Introducing Mike Hentz + Event O5 in C² + In search of the simplicity lost + Urkuma in ROR v C² + April/ maj v Cirkulaciji 2 – uvod v antidekadenco + Sejem Dostop do orodij | Access to Tools + Welcome to ATT/AND Rijeka – abandon normal devices fair! + 2015 happy new fear 2016 – party on wires + Oscar Martin: Extreme Atractors at C2 + Jesenski odmevi Hrup smo mi: Dušan Zidar + Jesenski odmevi Hrup smo mi: Arturas Bumšteinas + Predstavitev C2 tehnologij na #MTFCentral + šmarnica in cvičk v C2: N’toko in Igor Vuk + Cirkulacija 2: Showcase 0.3 = prigodna razstava preteklih in prihodnjih del in opravil + Noise is Us::Cultural Interfaces + Strictly Analog 3# in Svetlobna Gverila v Tobačni & C² + RADART #6 :: RADAR RIZOM :: 4 LETA PLATFORME RADAR + Ars ac²ustic²a -> ART’S BIRTHDAY PARTY, 16. januar 2015 + 2014 Happy New Fear! + Hrup smo mi: Prostor časa | Space Time + Microbot (Stelarc in Doepner) v Cirkulaciji² + C² – the opening of the new Cirkulacija 2 space + Smernice razvoja: Prostor časa + 2013 VELIKA POŽRTIJA – sobota 21. december ob 20.00 + Arduino praktikum = novodobni tehno intenziv + Dva ugrabljenca z MFRU: John Smith in Oscar Martin + C2 / Platforma za totalno umetnost: Tri socialne skulpture + Izjava Cirkulacije 2 – skupine začasnih uporabnikov Roga + Dark forest disko + Zvok organizma – Organizem zvoka + Fruity-Box (Karl Heinz Jeron v Cirkulaciji 2) + Taste of Vtol/ Okus Vtola + Redno letno srečanje ljubiteljev cirkulacije + 2012 Cirkulacija 2: pričetek predstavitev in delavnic Uvod v arduino v RogLabu + Multipla cirkulacija – socius urbis / otvoritev RogLaba + Interšmano = Cirkulacija 2 praznuje… + Sajeta 2012, tehnološke delavnice -> Združene sile C2_TO + Three mice: Cirkulacija 2, Konrad Gęca and Ana Raquel Pereira + Cirkulacija 2 in Zagreb – Močvara gallery, 9. -13. June 2012 + Total Noise Session #3 – Marcus Beuter = umetnost zvoka + v Cirkulaciji 2: Uvod v arduino + Kunst und Brot – Salon des Refusés 2012/1 + 2011 Drevo spoznanja in Hrupni robot v C2 + Total art platform at MFRU 2011 + trial version: Urbi et Orbi intervention – in your city, when the night comes… + Paralelni svetovi na Metelkovi + Cirkulacija 2 na Sajeti 2011 + Cirkulacija 2 na Svetlobni gverili + 42 let RŠ – platforma RADAR + Redundantne tehnologije – zbiralna akcija + Cirkulacija 2: Space is the Place + Indija v Cirkulaciji >< Cirkulacija v Indiji + 2010 Zvoki Cirkulacije 2 na Novem trgu v Ljubljani + Expanded Cirkulacija2 at PixxelPoint + C2_Kiblix_Mfru_Haip : Total Noise Session v Cirkulaciji 2 + Jesenski sadeži Cirkulacije 2 + Social Noise Session + C2 na Paralelnih svetovih na Metelkovi + Cirkulacija 2 at Sajeta 2010 + New media drivers feat. Cirkulacija 2 + Expanded Cirkulacija at Alkatraz – wrapping up + Expanded Cirkulacija at Alkatraz + Cirkulacija na Vstop prost v Celju + Cirkulacija 2 prejme Zlato ptico + Predstavitev Cirkulacije 2 v Novi Gorici + Cirkulacija 2: Pomladanski zvitki in Mehki zvoki naveličanosti + Cirkulacija 2 gosti vegetarijanko, aktivistko, umetnico, glasbenico in galeristko Reni Hofmueller + 2009 Cirkulacija 2 na Netart Community Convention v Grazu + javno snemanje: Analogična kompozicija + Reality show – “voice-noise karaoke” + Moška umetnost / Male art + CIRKULACIJA 2 na festivalu SAJETA pri Tolminu + Prostor zvoka = telo zvoka + Cirkulacija 2 in Antikonzum + Netart – krompir v žerjavici + 2008 Cirkulacija 2: Vladavina Konzuma + Majda Gregorič v Muzeju premoderne umetnosti + Transpozicije prostorov na Paralelnih svetovih + Odprta Cirkulacija 2 + Cirkulacija na koruzi / Dario Seraval v Brlogu + Napoved: Cirkulacija pod pritiskom + Elektro / Elektra + Zvočenja v Cirkulaciji 2 + Novi okusi Cirkulacije 2 + Video: Kerber nezavednega + Kerber nezavednega in druge zgodbe + Okus Cirkulacije 2 – st. 3 + Video: Event C + Čisto običajen večer v Cirkulaciji 2 + Totalna razprodajna razstava umetnosti + Event C: Taljenje umetnosti v dogodek + Hobotnica s polento + Brlog + 2007 Rotirajoči dogodek v Cirkulaciji 2 + BRLOG + Predstavitev Trivia Records / Zapisi v Cirkulaciji 2 + Razbita lepota, Broken beauty + Reanimacija Cirkulacije + CIRKULACIJA 2 v tovarni Rog nadaljuje + Boj se kreativnosti oblastnikov! + INTERDISCIPLINARNA POSTAJA CIRKULACIJA 2